Chapter 11: The Kiss

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One breast pressed against the cool metal of one of the cell's bars, the sensation not unpleasant given the way her body was heating up. Rezo had one of his hands around the back of her neck and head, almost large enough to cup the whole of her skull in one palm. His other hand was pressed against her lower back and the feel of the calloused surface of his hands didn't help her cool down any. She only now realized that he'd taken his gloves off at some point and she hadn't noticed.

Not that she was paying much attention to that, not when Rezo was doing such a good job kissing her. She leaned into him, opening her mouth at the insistent movement of his lips, and was rewarded by the entrance of his tongue. First just a tiny bit, like he was experimenting. He pulled her tighter towards him, only the bars keeping her from being held against his chest.

Unwilling to be outdone, Safia kissed him back, sliding in her own tongue so she could fight his for dominance. He let out a little groan and she suddenly found out that he'd been holding back. Rezo tried to crush her against him, ending up with the uncomfortable situation of one of her breast being squished against the metal bar, while the other was pressed against his chest. Her legs were in a similar conundrum as his other hand tried to do the same.

She barely noticed the discomfort, too busy wrapping one hand into the leather of his vest to keep him tight against her, the other shamelessly rubbing against his hips and backside, everywhere she could reach. Her mug lay on the ground, the spreading pool of wine ignored by both of them.

Safia could hear her own heartbeat pounding in her ears as her body tightened up. She pressed her knees together, feeling her notch swell and begin to tingle. It had been entirely too long since Zeroun, and Rezo was definitely skilled.

Rezo pulled slowly away, the hand on her back shifting lower. Safia looked up at him with heavy-lidded eyes, her free hand moving up so she could try and get his vest off, her chest heaving. She met his gaze steadily, seeing a similar fire in his eyes, when reality crashed back down around her.

This man was her captor, the one who was going to hand her over to the guards. She felt her eyes widen and saw a similar shift in Rezo's expression. They both sprang apart and turned away from one another. Safia lifted fingers and pressed them against lips that still tingled faintly, her cheeks flushed from a combination of desire and his facial hair.

She glanced over her shoulder to see Rezo standing with hunched shoulders, his head bowed. She jerked back to stare at the wall of her cell. Safia pressed her lips together and cursed herself. That shouldn't have happened. She shouldn't have responded, shouldn't have forgotten herself. She'd had the perfect chance to get his keys, a weapon, anything, and she'd blown it. All because he was a good kisser with strong chest and a nice face-

Safia cut that line of thinking off. Rezo was the enemy here. He was standing between her and freedom, had sent her kind away before. She couldn't trust him, couldn't trust...whatever had just happened.

One fist clenched, her nails digging into her palm. She was a thief, a Cat, someone who was used to working alone and not relying on others. He was private security, someone allowed in polite society. They were too different and from opposite sides of the law. She needed to focus on the job and getting out of her cell.

A quiet cough form behind had her turning back around. Rezo was facing her, though his body was angled slightly away. She could still see the outline of his lance, explaining his unnatural stance. She ignored the little jolt of pleasure that he wasn't unaffected by things either. Instead, she met his gaze, noting how he looked more than a little uncomfortable.

"Look," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "That-that shouldn't have happened. We both know it, and I'm sorry that we, that I...If the situation was..."

Rezo looked down at his hands, which were both clenched into fists. He closed his eyes for a moment then turned to her. "I'm sorry. That wasn't fair to you. I shouldn't have done that. It won't happen again."

Safia shoved away the touch of disappointment she felt about his last words. She glanced down at her feet then back at him. "I can hardly blame you since I was as much a willing participant as you were. But you're also right that it shouldn't have happened. We're both professionals and we shouldn't get ourselves carried away by wine and... whatever."

He nodded. "If there's some way I can make it up to you..."

She smiled and pointed at the cell door. That got a laugh from Rezo. "You really are the most persistent person I think I've ever met, and I grew up with Kasen."

She fake pouted again. "You said you'd make it up to me." Safia decided to tone down the seduction bit for now, until she knew if she could get him closer another away. He'd be on high alert and doing his best to ignore anything like that from her, so it wasn't worth the effort for now. She did at least know it was effective. She just wished she hadn't been so easily distracted, or he'd been a terrible kisser. Then maybe she'd have remember to lift his keys. But it was too late for now, what was done was done.

"I was thinking wine or something, though I think we've both had more than enough alcohol for now. I could get you something to eat, some water, or." His eyes dipped lower briefly before going back up to her face. "I could get you a shirt or something."

"Well, if you want to get me something to wear, I won't say no to my belt."

"Nice try. Here." As she watched, Rezo took off his vest, revealing a cotton shirt that was entirely too tight for her peace of mind. The material was thankfully dark, but still clung to him in a way that was a bit distracting.

Then he took it off and her good sense flew right back out the window. The muscles she'd felt before were now on prominent display along with the thin trail of hair that spread out when it reached his chest. She licked her lips as she tried to think of something to say, something to do besides stare. Her sheath throbbed, and reminded her that it had liked what the two of them had been doing before.

"Here," he repeated, holding out his shirt. "You can wear this. I don't really have much else that would fit, and I don't know if there's any other clothing you could borrow."

Safia swallowed and nodded, taking the still warm shirt from him. Slipping it over her head, she did her best to refocus again on what she had to do. But it was hard when Rezo was walking around bare-chested like that. It had just been a single kiss, it shouldn't have her so confused. She caught sight of his naked skin and glanced down, fussing with the hem of the shirt that just reached the upper part of her thighs. It shouldn't make her waver, but it was. And that was something she needed to forget if she wanted to avoid imprisonment.

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