Chapter 10

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This was the second time Zac has kissed me. Just like the last time, his lips were soft and warm and his touch sent sparks down my body. Only this time was different, much different. Last time he pulled away before I could react, last time it was out of anger, fustration and to basically prove his point of being a player.

This time, it was softer, sweeter and without thinking before acting, I started kissing him back. Everything just felt right.

He pulled me tighter into his body when he felt me start to kiss him back and lifted me onto the counter so he was now standing between my legs. My hands went up around his neck and his hands slid down to bum so I wouldn't fall into the sink.

It had been a good five minutes when my brain caught up with my actions and I pulled away.

"Zac," I said breathlessly. He opened his eyes and I tried not to melt into them. "We shouldn't be doing this." He pulled his face away from mine but didn't move from between my legs.

"And why not? We both want this," He questioned. I rolled my eyes, see all good thoughts about just vanish.

"Because, I'm not going to be another number to you. I won't. And you just completely admitted to me that you like a girl and asked me how to get her. This," I said pointing between him and me, "isn't it." He let out a fustrated sigh, before laughing.

"I thought you were meant to be smart?"

"Hey!" I said slapping his arm. "I am." I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"Well, then you'd know that the girl I was talking about is you. Sophie your the only one who acts the way you do around me, I thought that was obvious." Huh, I pursed my lips thinking about it and running over our earlier conversation.

"You said you meet her a few weeks ago." I stated smirking.

"Thats because your not the same person I remember from two years ago."

"Please Zac, if I came back looking like I did two years you wouldn't have even looked at me twice." I said looking at my mum's painting on the other side of the kitchen. If I looked into his eyes I feared I may just cave in.


"You only want me because I'm a challenge and then once you got me, you'll throw me away with the trash." I said as if it were obvious.

"Your not trash Sophie. And you won't be another number to me. Besides, I'm kinda scared to lead you on then dump you. I've seen you when your angry and it's not pretty." He shuddered.

"Well, it's gunna take alot more to get me Zac. I don't play fair. Whether you'd be willing to accept the challenge or not?" I shrugged.

"Even after we just made out." He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yup. You like to toy with girls, I think I'll have a bit of fun with this." I said grinning.

"Really?" Before I could answer he kissed me again. Only this time when he kissed me I giggled. I couldn't help it. I knew all to well his hands were still on my bum and I knew it was Zac's hands.

The guy I'd basically grown up with, the tall lanky ten year old. His hands were exploring my body.

"What?" He asked fustrated. I dropped my head still giggling.

"Nothing." I said looking up before bursting out laughing again. "I'm sorry." I said as he stepped back.

Good timing aswell because I didn't even hear my brother wake up before I saw him enter the kitchen just as Zac was a good few feet away from me.

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