Chapter 16: Alpha Archer

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A.N How Alpha Archer sees things, but obviously with different colours which show emotions.

I fucking messed up once again

I rushed out of the room, seeing my mate in pain that I caused, I fled like a coward. 

She obviously hated me with every part of my being and I knew it would take ages to mend the broken bond, but my sight was at stake and I would do everything to make her fall in love with me. I found my way into the kitchen where my brother Jacob sat, his face plastered in a bored expression and stared at me.

"You fucked up once again big brother," he commented, I knew he was smirking as I heard him twirl the drink in his hand. I sighed, frustrated and sat on the chair next to him, putting my head in my hands and rubbed my face. "Yes, I know" I replied, sighing once again trying to calm my wolf, who was on edge. He hated how we left my mate and totally scared the shit out of her. It was both our faults and we blamed each other for this situation. 

"Well, what did she or you try to do?" He questioned, taking a small sip of the drink and inhaled, smelling my anger that sprouted off me. "She tried to escape, or something like that. She wanted food, she wanted to cook her own food." I murmured in my hands. I lifted my head up, seeing his aura which was frightening calm as I watched his body heat radiate in the room, I could see the inanimate object in his hand. I could hear him chuckle, a small smile seemed to appear on his lips as he stared straight at me.

"Why didn't you let her go? You could have gone with her! Idiot! She wants freedom, give it to her." he laughed out, clutching his chest in amusement. I loudly growled at him and huffed, my wolf snarling at him because he was laughing at our predicament. His laughter ceased, but his smile remained as he placed the drink on the table. "I couldn't let her go, she could've tried to find a door that led to the outside. She's not leaving me." I snarled out, feeling my anger bubble again. He raised his hands up in surrender and stood up from his seat and started to walk to the door. 

"Chill mate. I'll go check on her, see how she'd held up. Don't worry I won't touch her." he said and waltzed out of the room before getting a reply from me. I sighed once again, my hands gripping the counter top as I contain my wolf.

'She's very defiant isn't she?' he murmured in my head, trotting silently around my mind.

'Yes, she is. We can't let her go, and we have to start to be calmer around her, we need our sight back.' I reminded him and I could feel him contemplating our next move.

"Of course, but her health and safety is everything. Our site is just a plus when we have her' he commented, purring at the thought of our mate finally being ours. I hummed in satisfaction at that thought too, knowing she won't leave my pack borders, I began to walk towards the kitchen door until I heard someone screaming in my mind.

'Irene fainted! Oh fuck, she's out cold too. You gotta get here quick man.' Jacob said, his voice filled with panic and worry. Something within me snapped and my wolf howled in worry as we hurried to her room. My wolf speed picked up quickly as I manoeuvred myself through the hallways before entering her room where I saw her figure lay motionless in my brother's arms, her hair sprawled underneath her. I took a step back at the sight and my brother's eyes looked at mine, his aura was fading to a very purplish colour which was filled with worry, my mate's aura not showing anywhere besides a faint bluish colour meaning sadness that rested around her heart area.

"She's cold. We need to get her to the pack doctor." Jacob said, his voice stumbling as he eyed her body. Taking a deep breath in, I rushed to my brother's side, my wolf howling to grab her and take her to the doctor and that's what I did.

Scooping her in my arms I ran towards the front door of my house, instantly getting outside and trying to smell the minty smell of the pack doctors. Once I caught it, I ran towards it, my mate limps in my arms.

I waited patiently outside the infirmary room, my leg bouncing frantically as my wolf paced around my head, howling high to the moon wanting our mate to be okay. My wolf was more worried than me, I couldn't see much of her aura and that made me worry quite a bit. It was easy to spot people's emotions now, knowing how they felt was key to find the truth in things and I knew that my mate was sad constantly. 

When I saw her in the room, her whole body was filled with blue and tinges of other colours that probably meant worry, panic and anger. I knew how angry she was at me, it was evident within herself and I constantly fought inner battles to make her feel that she was loved and she could trust me. But, I broke her trust at the start, when I marked her forcefully.

I was treading on a thin line and I knew the consequences the Moon Goddess would give me if I was not careful with her. My sight was on the line, and I was granted the gift of being able to see people's auras, meaning this would new ability would help me see people in the forest, especially the rogues. I couldn't lose this gift, I needed this gift for battles. I wasn't sure that if my mate fell in love with me, this new power would go away, but if it did, at least I could see my mate's beautiful face and hopefully see mine as well. 

Snapping out of my thoughts, Jacob muttered to himself quietly. No one else was in the waiting room, not many of my family members were aware of my mate being here, but sure enough, they would come to know her. I strictly told the doctors to say quietly about her, I did not want to put too much pressure on her if everyone knew their Luna was here. 

"When you gonna tell mother and father about her?"  Jacob asked quietly, his hands intertwined together as he looked around the area. 

I didn't answer that, and I let silence engulf us once again until I heard the door open.

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