Caged Memories

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Chapter song: Hold- Vera Blue


My mouth dropped as awe crossed my face. My eyes grew wide with disbelief as I stared at the girl in front of me. I shifted back into my human form, pulling the giant white shirt over my head and standing up in the freezing snow. My best friend stood feet away from me, breathing frosty breaths as she gave me a wide smile. I pushed off of the snow, running fast and slamming into her with a giant hug. We both fell to the ground as we embraced each other.

"Addison!" I cried into her as she squeezed me tightly.

"Alex! I can't believe I finally found you!"

I finally pulled from our long embrace and we stood up from the frozen ground. I looked around us and the sun had descended behind the trees. Tyler was probably home now. Anxiety waved over me, dwelling in the bottom of my stomach. I needed to get home.

"We should get inside. " I quickly said as I took her hand and started back towards the house. I had traveled far in my run and it was going to take us some time to get back.

We trudged through the snow, my bare feet becoming numb and frozen from the icy ground. The trees grew darker and I searched the far forest. The hair on the back of my neck raised as I heard a growl and my eyes met with golden glowing ones in the distance. Addison's grip on my hand tightened as her eyes saw him too. The eyes disappeared behind a tree and the cracking of bones echoed through the trees letting us know the man was shifting.

The man reappeared from behind another tree, fully clothed, and stalked towards us. He wore a brown shirt and simple jeans. He approached us, a strong look covering his dark face.

"Are you two rogues?" He demanded as he stood dangerously close to Addison and I. This angered me. I had been here almost two weeks and I still haven't made enough of an impact to be known by the whole pack.

"Excuse me, Sir!" I stepped closer to him, my voice reeking with disgust. "Do you not know who I am?" I attempted to sound three times stronger than I actually was, using a voice laced with authority and power.

He chuckled evilly. "No. Care to enlighten me, Rogue." His words stung. It was true. I had been a rogue when my pack was killed.

"I am your alpha's mate!" I yelled, pressing a finger into his chest. He laughed once again, my face losing all authority and courage. He didn't believe me.

"That was a good one." He laughed again then roughly grabbed my wrist.

He didn't believe me.

I stood there shocked as he grabbed Addison as well. No. Anger boiled in my heart as he yanked Addison and I along.

"Don't touch her!" I yelled, prying my wrist from his painful grip. He turned back towards me, a challenging glare in his eyes. He looked at me as if he was saying: Go ahead. Try to escape. A devilish fire gleamed in his eyes. He wanted the fight, the chase.

I didn't care. Addison had been through enough as it is. She and I were the only remaining members of my old pack. We only had each other. I growled at him as I showed no fear. I wasn't about to go down without a fight. He only wanted to drag us down to some cell as if we were trespassers.

"I would watch yourself if I were you. Tyler wont be happy if he realizes you were messing with his mate." I smirked as I prepared for a fight. I must've been full of stupidity, thinking I could take this large man all by myself. But a new rage covered me, I was territorial over my family. Addison was my family.

The man lunged for me, releasing Addison simply because he was distracted by my in-compliance. I jumped to the side, sending him to take in a face full of frozen snow. I giggled at his reaction. Steam erupted from his ears as he sat up and spit out some ice, sending me a glare. He whipped an arm out, knocking me to the ground. I let out a grunt as my butt hit the hard ground with an unpleasant thud. He stood up and grabbed me by my foot, dragging me through the snow.

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