Chapter 6

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A while ago I saved everyone, we nearly lost this place to Zombies. I had just learnt control a few weeks earlier and Luke was still trying to help me, he wanted to understand what made me lose control. What made the urge to turn stronger than the other times? We never truly knew. Luke was obsessed with the Dread virus, he thought it was interesting. The day it happened Luke was studying how my eyes changed to silver, this was his favourite thing about the Dread virus. "Wow, it's like mercury" He says amazed. I close my eyes to make them turn make to their normal colour. "That's amazing but there is no scientific reasoning for that at all" Luke says with a smile. I'm sure that there is a scientific reasoning seeing as it was scientists that made it in the first place. I would tell Luke that being a Dread isn't very interesting but he would tell me that from an outsider looking in it was amazing. He wouldn't like being one at all. 

"Oh trust me, Felix will explain it to you" I say with a chuckle. "Anyway that's not their true form, when I lose control it is the whole eye that is silver not just the pupil" I know this because even though I black out Tobias has told me that when I'm completely out of it they are fully silver balls. I then think back to the dread attack where he has most likely seen what their eyes look like. I wonder why he finds them so interesting when it was because of them that my mother is dead. Ha, I talk about them like i'm not one. 

"I know, I've seen it before, it's really creepy" Luke says with a smile. "It's kind of cool though, you know you will always be stronger than me now" He says proudly. I'm not sure why he said it that way, maybe he is just excited about the power that I have. Why would he be excited about his sister being stronger than him?

"I will always have a better sense of smell too" I say with a laugh. "Oh and better reflexes"

"Oh and you're immune to a Zombie bite" He says, his smile than turns to a frown. "You know I'd consider killing a Dread just so I won't have to become a Zombie" He mutters. This causing a from to form on my face.

"Would you even kill me?" I ask him. He becomes more aware of what he just said, he has an urgent look on his face.

"No of course not" He says as fast as he could. I give him a warm smile and he calms down. "I didn't mean it anyway, I see how the dread virus affects you and I wouldn't want to go through that. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone"

"I know" I say. I truly believed him. This apocalypse had brought us closer, when mum died we swore to always be there for each other no matter what. But truly I hope that he never has to be there for me because I have a feeling that I'm causing him to be in danger. When we hear screams from outside we suddenly know something is wrong. They aren't the happy screams of children, they are the terrified screams of everyone. The alarm starts going off. "That's the Zombie attack alarm" I mutter. "Go protect Felix, we need him. I'll there if you are in trouble... I promise" I say. As soon as he agrees I run out. The Zombies have somehow gotten in. I find out later that there was a flaw in security. I feel my body start to burn but I ignore it. I go to the weapons room and get an axe and a hand gun. A zombie is grabbing onto a woman, I point the gun at it and shoot it in the head. I shoot another, than another until my bullets run out. I go to take the axe from my belt when I zombie grabs me and bites me on the arm. I let out a scream, the pain is horrible mostly because I can feel the dread virus fighting it. I have broken my arm before and trust me a zombie bite is so much worse, there is the pain of the bite as well as the pain from the zombie virus trying to go through my veins. Lucky i'm immune right? I take the axe from my belt, turn around and plant the axe in its head.

"That was freaking awesome" Luke yells. I look at him with wide eyes. "Felix is in lock down as well as a few other leaders" Luke says. Lock down is a place Felix helped build that was made from an extremely strong metal. We took the metal from a business whose owners we knew were dead.

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