Watson The Idiot

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Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick, Watson were on a camping trip. They drank a lot of liquid refreshment until they fell asleep for the night. Now, in the middle of the night, Holmes wakes up and looks up in the night sky, rather stunned. He nudges Watson awake and cries, "Watson! Watson! Look up in the night sky. What do you see?"

Watson looks at the night sky and says, "I see stars and stars and more stars."

Holmes says, "What does that tell you, Watson?"

Watson answered, "Well, astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. It astrologically tells me that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically tells me that it is about quarter to three in the morning.  Meteorologically tells me that tomorrow probably would be a beautiful day. Theologically tells me that there is a vast universe and we are part of the minuend whole. Why Holmes? What does it tell you?"

And Holmes said, "Watson, you idiot, somebody has stolen our tent."

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