Chapter 23

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"Try this on" Cassidy suggests as she hands me a skimpy black dress.

I frown as I hold the this piece of material in my hands, I had been in Cassidy's room for hours trying on clothes for tonight's date. Butterflies were fluttering around in my stomach as I thought of spending time alone with Jake and Connor.

I shouldn't be scared, I had spent loads of time with them alone in the house, God I sleep next to them each night but this was different. Tonight they were taking me out for dinner, it was supposed to be romantic but I wasn't sure, I was still so confused around the both of them.

I hand Cassidy back the dress, for tonight I wanted something with a bit more coverage.  I flick through her closet passing beautiful ball gowns and evening dresses both that were too fancy for this event.

"What about this one?" Cassidy asks showing me a beautiful white dress. It was strapless but still revealed nothing, falling just above my knees

"I think we've found it" Cassidy says smiling

I try it on and it fits perfectly

"Yep this is it"

"Now you just need the shoes" Cassidy adds as she hands me a pair of six inch stilettos

"I can't wear these" I exclaim looking at the height of the heels. "I'll fall over before I even reach the door"

"You'll be fine"

I give her a pointed look which she ignores. I slip into the shoes and I only manage to stumble a few times. Cassidy does my makeup and hair and by the time she's finished I don't even recognise the girl standing in front of me. She looks like someone who has everything under control, who knows exactly what she's doing.

Glancing at the clock I realise I'm late, I was supposed to meet Jake and Connor at 6:00 and now its ten past.

"Thanks for your help Cassidy. You're the absolute best"

"I know" She grins

The boys are waiting at the bottom of the staircase, their eyes go wide when they gaze up noticing me. I smile, a blush spreading across my cheeks as I begin my descent. For a moment it felt like I had been swept into a fairy tale and at the bottom of the stairs a prince would be waiting for me, but in reality when I reach the bottom it is Jake and Connor instead, and for once in my life I'm not sure who I wanted more.

"You look beautiful" Connor whispers as he grabs my hand placing a kiss on it.

"This is all your sister's work" I state trying to bring the attention away from me

"But your the one wearing the clothes not her" Jake says looking at me intently

I glance at him before looking away quickly, I couldnt handle his intensity.

Jake and Connor both look extremely handsome wearing a black tux. Butterflies continue to swirl in my stomach but despite that I was also a little excited.

We were leaving the pack and for the first time I would have some idea where it was located. I knew that the aim of the dinner was to grow closer to the Alpha's, get to know them better, but my personal aim was to know exactly where this pack was located. I wasn't planning on leaving but if something ever happened I needed to know.

"Shall we go?" Connor asks extending his hand, breaking me from my thoughts

I plaster a warm smile on my face as I take his hand.

"Where are you taking me"

"Its a surprise" Jake says

I frown at his answer, damn it wasn't going to be as easy as I ininitially thought. I guess a surprise was a romantic idea however it still told me that they didn't want to disclose the location.

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