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Nari was groping around the bed for her phone that was currently playing some weird wind chime sound when the door to the room slowly opened and light from the hallway streamed in, stabbing into her half-open eyes.

"What the..." she muttered, quickly dropping her head to the pillow and tossing the blanket up to cover her face. She heard a bit of stumbling, followed by groaning, and then harsh hissing as something slammed into the end of the bed.  A few choice and colorful words pierced the air and then everything was still.

Nari slowly pulled the blanket off her head, then resumed looking for her phone.  Her hand finally came in contact with the buzzing and chiming phone.  She grasped it tightly and flung it up towards her line of vision, slapping the 'stop' button as soon as her eyesight focused on it.  She looked at the time and frowned in displeasure.  Why had she agreed to get breakfast for her mother and sister? 

She yawned and slid her legs off the side of the bed, slowly sitting up.  She saw a head of hot pink hair laying off the side of the bottom bunk and she sighed.  "Gina," she whispered.  When the girl didn't respond, Nari whispered louder.  "GINA." The strong alcohol smell slowly seeped up and into her nose. Her nose wrinkled in protest of the new assault.

Gina's bleary eyes slowly fluttered open and she groaned her response.  "Mm."

"Why are you getting home so late?" Nari slowly maneuvered her way down from the top bunk and leaned against the bed while she waited for Gina to confess. It was obvious the girl had been drinking, but Nari just wanted to hear it with her own ears.

"I...I was...where was I? A party. No, wait, a club." She frowned deeply and shook her head back and forth. She was sprawled out like a starfish on her bed and Nari pondered if she should help her get her shoes off at least. A quick glance at the time told Nari she would not be doing any charity help today.

"Just go to sleep. I have to be somewhere," said Nari, knowing full well that Gina would probably not even remember the things Nari said.

She trudged into the bathroom and did a quick cleanup, tossing her hair into a low ponytail.  She mumbled an apology to her mother who had always totold her to always look her best just in case she met her future husband.  Nari shook her head and sighed.  There would be bigger things to question if she happened to meet her future husband at a bus terminal at five in the morning.  She laughed softly at the absurdity of the hypothetical situation. 

Several minutes later she was wrapping her new scarf around her neck and she slid her arms into her coat, thanking her lucky stars she didn't have to stay in the room with her heavily snoring roommate.

* * *

The bus terminal was busy but not crowded yet.  Nari had no problem finding her mother and sister and quickly sat down next to them. 

"Nari-ah!  Good morning!" Her mother smiled widely at the sight of her oldest daughter and thankfully took the cup of coffee handed to her.  "I hope this is black," she said wistfully.

"Of course," laughed  Nari.  "After your shopping binge yesterday I figured you would need a hefty pick-me-up this morning."

Her mother chuckled and patted her duaghter's sholder. "You're right." She yawned as if on cue and blushed. "Did you like all your things?"

"Yes, ma'am! I'm spoiled." She leaned over and kissed her mother's cheek. Looking around her mom she saw her sister sitting quietly on the other side. She grinned and stood up and snuck over to the empty seat next to her sister. "Psst," she whispered, nudging Nana's shoulder.

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