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Chapter 1 - Accident

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Jace stared out the classroom window lost in his thoughts. Not that he could see the streets outside. The dark clouds gathering overhead the whole morning had finally broken and the rain was lashing down on anyone unlucky enough to be caught outside.

The much anticipated and needed Semester break was just around the corner. Almost half the student body had already disappeared as the final exams were over.

Jace sighed. He would stick it out for the last week for Attendance credits. Every bit helped and could make a difference if ever he needed it ... not that he would ever need them. All his Grades were above average. His near perfect score was due to a deep seeded need to prove himself to his estranged family. And he would too! Jace frowned and sighed again. After a few months of bitter arguments and a final explosive showdown, he had moved out of the house ... and into his battered car. Let's face it, he was in class because he didn't have any other place to go.

"You shouldn't do that. It drives the girls crazy."

"Do what?" Jace asked as he turned into his best friend's grinning face.

"Sigh like that. It makes half the girls melt into little puddles and the other half want to hug and mother you," Ash's grin broadened.

"Gah! Seriously! Go bug someone else," Jace shuddered.

A quick look around the room proved everything was quite normal, the few surreptitious glances his way, he pointedly ignored.

"See? The girls here are normal human beings, not weirdos like you," he looked back at his friend with his trademark half smile. "Besides, they don't want me for me, they think I'm still rich," his expression darkened.

"But you are my moody friend; your fat monthly allowance has been accumulating for months ..." Ash rubbed his hands together, "... think of all the damage we could do with it."

"You know I won't touch it, I don't consider it mine," he growled, " ... and besides you already do enough damage with your own resources."

"And by the way, you are handsome too," Ash batted his eyes dramatically at Jace grinning his head off. His friend punched him. Laughing at Jace's discomfort he turned to wave at a few giggling girls who saw the playful exchange. They waved back, one even going so far as to blow a kiss in their direction. Jace reached out to catch the invisible kiss and slapped it hard onto his friend's cheek. Ash yelped.

"Serves you right, you nut."

The girl laughed and winked at Jace who winked back in conspiracy. She blushed and started whispering among her friends.

Ash laughed. Jace was so much fun to tease. At least he managed to lighten his mood and bring him back down to earth. His best friend since they were kids, he knew Jace better than anyone. Ash shook his head, Jace was oblivious the fact that girls whispered about his good looks and lean muscled body. Hours upon hours were spent debating the exact shade of his eyes, was it grey-green, bluish greenish or some other impossible mix that changed with his moods. His boyish looks and dark casual style of clothing was at odds with his brilliant mind, which surprised more than one lecturer. He could sit quietly at the back of class lost in his thoughts and when pounced upon with a complex question, answer in precise simple language that everyone could understand. Jace had always thought that when Ash teased him about the girls, it was a joke, not to be taken seriously. If only he knew.

He himself had an athletic build that he was proud of. Fairer in colouring, he had dirty blond hair, brilliant blue eyes and a quick smile. Outgoing, smart and popular himself, he got the gossip on his friend first-hand. But Jace preferred to be alone. After all, he had too many survival problems at the moment to focus on simple teenage pleasures, like parties, girls and dating.

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