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River POV

I watched Lowell's mom and dad pull out of the drive way. I still can't belive what he said earlier. it made me so happy.

Lowell waved to the before they drove off. then we walked back into the house. we walked into the kitchen to see Sammy and Jackson eating.

" hey what's new." I smiled at the two of them.

" nothing." Jackson said.

" well i have been doing some thinking." Sammy said.

" oh ya what's that?" I asked.

" will you start training me?" he looked at Lowell.

he looked shocked. " ya sure I can but why the sudden rush?" he asked.

" I don't know. I just feel like I need to start learning." Sammy explained.

" on can I join to" Jackson asked.

" you have to ask you mom" Lowell tells him.

" no way she will say no. can't you just tell" Jackson asked.

" no you have to ask your mom. and when you do tell her to come to me with her answer so I know it's true" Lowell tells Jackson.

" crap" Jackson huffed.

" I was a nine year old boy once. I know how they think" Lowell smiled.

I looked at Lowell and smiled at him. he's going to make a great dad. I can feel it.

" so we can start tomorrow" Lowell tells Sammy.

he nods then Lowell grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs. he pushed open the door. and we walked threw.

I walked to the bed and laid down. and laid on my back so I could stare at the ceiling. then Lowell plopped down on the bed beside me.

then he leaned over me and started kissing my mark. I smiled then pushed him so he was looking at me.

" what are you doing." I asked.

" I was serious when I said what I did." he smiled.

" what you want like right now?" I asked.

" no time like the present. if your okay. I mean if not we can stop." he looked me in the eyes.

" lock the door" I whispered.

he got up and locked the door then came back over to me. I stood up so I was on my knees. then I started to undue the buttons on his shirt.

he smiled down at me. but he has other ideas. he just ripped it. and button went every where. we laughed. then he pushed me back so she was over to of me.

he leaned down to kiss me. then looked at me.

" your sure" he asked me.

" yes" I smiled then kissed him.

he kissed me back.


we where just laying in bed all cuddled up together. to say what just happened was amazing.

" that was very well worth the wait" I smiled.

" ya" he says weirdly.

I looked at him. he's been acting weird since we finished.

" okay what's wrong." I demand.

" noting is wrong." he said.

" I am going to ask you again. and this in time I want the truth" I tel him as I look him in the eyes so he know I mean business.

" how do you know it was well worth the wait if I am the only one you have been with." he sighed.

" look at me." I tell him.

he looked at me with sad eyes.

" why would you ever say such a thing. I love you. and I don't want anyone else. it was amazing your amazing now stop over thinking this." I tell him.

" I am just I don't know. I feel like I didn't know what I was doing" he said.

"well neither did I but I don't care. because I like that fact that we figured it out together." I smiled as k leaned in to place a kiss on his lips.

" thanks I needed that." he smiled.

I nod then close my eyes cause I was so tired.

I woke up and went to pull Lowell closer when I got noting. I opened my eyes and was all alone.

I looked at the time and noticed it was nine o'clock am. holy shit I slept for a long time.

I got up out of bed and walked to the closet. I grabbed on of Lowell's sweaters . and a pair of comfy shorts. but the sweater was so long that oh covered my shorts.

I walked to the bathroom. I grabbed a brush and a elastic. and tied my hair back. but when I pulled it up I noticed I had like four hickeys on my neck.

" I am going to kill him." I huffed in annoyance.

" who are you going to kill." Lowell's voice came out of know where making me jump.

" holy shit you can't just walk up on me like that. you scared the shit out of me where you this morning. I tell him.

" sorry I thought you saw me. now who are you going to kill? and I was with Sammy helping him train. he said.

" you" I tell him.

" me?" he asked.

" yes you Idiot" I groaned.

" what did I do?" he asked.

" look" I pointed to my neck.

" what am I oh. man I did a good job" he says.

I punch his shoulder. and glared at him.

" no you didn't. do you know how much make up that is going to take to cover this up" I yelled at him.

" well no" he says.

" my point." I huffed.

" if it helps you look cute in my clothes." he smiled.

I just looked at him. And walked out of the bathroom.

" I'll take that as a no" he yelled.

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