Is It him?

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Stiles were standing beside me, listening to the whole story. Tears were slowly trying to escape of the thought of Ethan and the blood, but I wouldn't let them...
I couldn't show weakness.... Not anymore....
"Well.... Because of u know what. Then u are sleeping with me in my room"
I looked up to see who was talking and my eyes landed on stiles. I simply nodded, not knowing what to say. The feeling of my phone vibrating, came from my pocket. I grabbed it and saw someone calling me.
'When did I get it back?' The thought hit me... He never gave it back... Did he?
As I stood in my thoughts, someone took it from my hands and picked it up.
"What do u want Scott" stiles snapped in the phone.
The sheriff slowly took me out in the kitchen, where he asked into my life.... Like where my parents were since I'm living alone and why beacon hills...
I slowly got on the counter and sat still looking at the floor.
"Well.... My parents... They are dead and I took beacon hills..... Cause... I heard Ethan had a twin brother...."
A smile spread across his face.

Scott' pov.
I saw stiles lifting her and walking down. We followed them and saw him driving away with her. I turned around and looked at Derek.... His eyes were showing sadness and anger.
How could stiles just do that.... Take another mans crush...

And if u think. How did Scott know..... Well the way that Derek looks at her and is now.... It says a lot, plus I heard him and Peter talk about having a mate.... Oh and I'm a werewolf, it's hard not to smell it on him...

(y/n) p. O. V
Stiles that had stood and listened, was now speechless, looking at me. He pulled me close and hugged me tightly. I didn't know what to do so I just accepted the hug and smiled a little.
"You gotten a lot bigger (y/n). U can stay as long as you want " I looked over at the sherif and slowly nodded.
He walked back to the kitchen and stiles were still holding around me.

" Don't worry....i won't let them touch you." I nodded at his worry and slowly smiled.

The rest of the day went well. I slept with stiles in his room, because they didn't have a spare room.

I was laying beside stiles with one of his shirts on and sweatpants, looking out the window. I didn't know what to do. Should I stay? Should I leave?

I got up and walked over to the window, sat down by it and looked up at the stars. My eyes went from the stars to the moon and down the road.

I spotted a guy with something in his hands, but I couldn't see it clear, until my vision got used to it. A gun.....that was what he had in his hands.

I stumbled down on the hard wooden floor and heard a groan from the bed.

"S-Stiles!" I stayed on the ground trembling and not wanted to move.

I could hear Stiles turning around and his eyes met mine.

"(Y/n)! What's happening?" Was all he said, before he sat beside me, pulling me into his arms.

A loud howl was all we heard and I knew that howl.

"Derek......" slipped off my tongue as I stood up.

I looked at the window where my eyes met his.

Stiles that didn't know what the hell have happened, got up and opened the window.

"What the hell Derek! It's like in the middle of the night!"

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