Chapter 4 - Chloe Beale

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"I'm Chloe, Chloe Beale."

"Nice to meet you Chloe. Is music your thing? You seem to be amazed by my little area"

"Oh, yeah I love music. I take it at school. How old are you?

"I'm 15, how about you?"

"Same, what school are you going too?"

"Barden High"

"No way, I go there. You nervous?"

"No, I just don't know what to expect"

"Your Mum said about you moving from NY, what brings you down here?"

"Oh, I got expelled, so we had to move"

"Troublemaker are we?"

"Not intentionally, I just had problems"

"Well, maybe you and I need to talk about those one day"

"Hmmm, I think I'll pass, but thank you"

"Ohh, come on, you can trust me"

"Trust is a big word, Red"


"Well your hair's red, it suits you. Anyway, let's go"

As Beca goes into the living room, her mum walks over to her.

"Everything ok Beca?"

"Yeah everything's fine"

"She looking after you, Chloe?"


"Good. Right come on out Beca, I want to you to meet someone" She walked away.

"I'll be there in a second"

"How does my Mum know you?"

"You can find out for yourself"

The girls went outside, Chloe went to stand next to her Mum who was talking to Jordan

"Beca, you remember I said about a high school friend?"

"Oh erm, Iris right?"

"Yeah, well now you can finally meet her. She's Chloe's Mum"

"That explain how you know her. But why have I never seen them?"

"You have seen Iris, it was at your Father's funeral and she used to babysit you when me and your Dad would be out"

"Oh, wow, I'm sorry, I don't remember you, that's rude, right? God I'm sorry"

"Don't worry, Beca, it was an emotional day, well I'm glad you're both here. I hope you're going to stay out of trouble"

"She told you, huh?"

"We tell each other everything"

"Wait everything?" Chloe spoke.

"Oh yes, I know a lot of things about you, Chloe" Jordan winked.

"Oh god"

"Right, I'm going for a smoke, Chloe do you smoke or want to join before they say anything more embarrassing?"

"I don't smoke, but yes, I know my Mother, she'd tell you everything"

"Beca, there's a tree, go there. I don't expect a few guests would be happy seeing my 15 year old kid smoking"

"It's our house"

"I know, but just this once"

"Fine, I'm going"

"So, tell me a bit more about you, Red?"

"Well, as you know, 10th grade, Barden High and I love music. There's not much to say, I have a small group of friends, Stacie Conrad, and Patricia Hobart, but she calls herself Fat Amy. She'll tell you why when you see her next week, I have known those two crazies since Middle School. Mum's an accountant, my Dad's a business manager. I want to be a vet, but I love music. I did think about being a teacher, but I'd rather look after sick animals. There's not much to me, oh well unless you want to know I'm gay, I don't know?"

"Interesting. But out of all of that, why are your friends 'crazies'? Wait you're gay? Wow, never would've seen that coming"

"Let's just say, they get into a little mischief. And yeah, I had a boyfriend last year, but I cheated on him with a girl. Broke it off with him and slept with her a few times, but nothing came of it. We're still friends"

"Lead you astray do they? And who was it?"

"Hmm, sometimes, but more because I try to keep them in line, but it can be funny. That's another story for another day"

"If you think they're crazy, are you sure me being around them is a good idea? Well, I look forward to hearing more about it. At my old school I found an area where I always hid, no one knew of the spot, not even the teachers. When I was sent out, I went there"

"I think you and Stacie are going to get on. In freshman year, she found a new spot for us to hang out, but eventually other people found it too. She's good at finding little areas. She's spent the last 2 years trying to find the way to the roof"

"Seriously? I found the roof to my old school within weeks"

"Yeah, we got given mentors when we started, he gave us a map and said to use it to our advantage. Little did we know, the map was old. They had a refurb before we started there"

"Interesting. She'll find the roof, she's got another 2 years after this. Can't be that hard to find"

A lot of the people who came over had gone around 7ish, just left was Iris and Chloe. Chloe and Beca were still outside talking about what they enjoy. Iris and Jordan were reminiscing old times. They'd not seen each other since Beca's Dad's funeral. It was around 10pm.

"Jordan, I'm really sorry, both Chlo and I need to go. But we will be meeting up a lot more, now you're here I hope you're staying. I hope Beca loves it here"

"Yeah, it is late, I'll just tidy up and then go to bed. Me too, I just hope it was a phase, god, it was so scary, as you know. I just didn't know what to do, I felt like I failed her. But hopefully getting out of NY is a good start"

"She'll be fine, I can see her and Chloe are going to get on. I must warn you, Stacie, don't get me wrong, I love that kid, I've known her since Chloe started Middle School, but she's like Beca, smoker. So they'll hit it off"

"Oh god, don't say that" Jordan laughed.

"It'll be fine, it's a fresh start, the both of you need"

"You're right. Thank you, for everything Iris, I'm glad we're near each other again. I have missed my best friend"

"And I have missed my best friend too. We should go out for drinks soon, for old times sake"

"Last time we went out, someone got us kicked out"

"Firstly, we were both young, I hadn't had a child, secondly, your fault, I told you that was a bad idea"

"Just cause you couldn't handle a little bit of fun. Anyway that part of my life is over, I'm a Police Officer, I can no longer do that. Regular drug tests"

"Least you can still drink" Iris winked.

"That, is very true. Go on, get your daughter and get outta here"

"Chloe, darling, it's late, we need to go home. I'll order a pizza!"

"Alright, Mum, I'll be there in a minute"

"It was nice getting to know you Beca"

"You too, Red. Talk to you soon"

"You will" Chloe called.

As Beca was sat outside, she hadn't noticed a piece of paper next to her. It said her name and she unfolded it.

I know we've just met, but I think we're going to be really fast friends, here's my number, and don't be afraid to message me;) - Chloe x

Beca just smiled and took the note to her room. Making a mental not to message her. 

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