Part 3: Secrets Will Out

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The Scandal Sheet


Ding, dong, the duke is done!

This author has it on good authority that Lady G- has cried off from her betrothal to the Duke of B-. While the rest of the ton's matchmaking mamas rejoice--in fact, one could compare them to the piranha, a great gaping fish with monstrous teeth--this author wonders what possible problem Lady G- could have found with our duke. Wealth, title, a handsome visage? More than one young miss must think the lady quite daft or simply stupid. This author fears Lady G- will receive quite the backlash--no more and no less than the ton's ever-discerning eye and need for gossip requires.

Nevertheless, my little birds, could there perhaps be another reason for the sudden delusion of marriage?

This author has noticed that the lady has spent much time in the company of a certain Viscount and when one takes into account that man's reputation, it isn't hard to imagine what gossip the ton will inevitably cook up. Though not by their own hands, rest assured. They wouldn't wish to be caught with a thumb in the cranberry pie, no?

But one must wonder what her brother, the Earl of C- would think, by the by. Months away from London, and his sister has gotten into all sorts of trouble. Though, it does seem to follow her brother's predilection for the unconventional. Your guess is as good as this author's, dear reader.

In a similar note, there was a rumor that the dowager duchess of B- was seen earlier this morning stalking off rather angrily, her son trailing behind. But this author has heard on good account that the solemn Duke of B- might have been...smiling?

In the words of Sir Walter Scott, "Oh, what a tangled web we weave..." 

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