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After being in the worse situation I could be in as a new student you would think at least something would go my way but unfortunately, the world does not work that way. Instead of asking someone for help in directions to the student office to receive my schedule, I decided to go try to find it on my own which just caused me to get lost.

Now here I am in the middle of a hallway looking in every direction I can go look for the office, "You need some help?" I turn around to find a brunette with bored green eyes.

"Definitely." I nod sighing out a breath of relief.

The girl nods, "I'm guessing you're looking for the office then." I silently nod and she points down the hallway behind me.

"Down the hall to the left, there is going to be a big sign next to the door so you won't miss it." She reassures me.

I look into the direction she pointed and nod before turning back around to her only to find her gone.

"Thanks?" I question out loud before shrugging and following the random girl instructions.

Doing as I am instructed I come to a stop after turning the corner and behold the office is right where the girl said it was. Weight is lifted from my shoulders as I walk into the coffee smelling room, upon seeing my entrance a petite woman smiles at me from behind a counter.

"Good morning, I am the new student, Athena Blackwood is the name." I greet.

The woman nods and grabs a few papers, "We have been expecting you, Athena." I smile as she straightens the papers on her desk and hands them to me, "now some of those papers your parent or guardian has to sign so dont forget and your class schedule is at the top of the pile." She instructs me.

"I wont forget, thank you." I smile one last smile before leaving out the door.

I turn my attention to the papers at hand and look over my schedule for the rest of the school year making sure I am not repeating any course I may have taken before moving here.

With my attention only being on my schedule I cant avoid the collision I make with another person. The papers fly out my hand as I fall to the ground with a groan from being hit by what feels like a wall.

"Are you okay?" I look up at a tall guy standing over me with concern written all over his face. When we make eye contact it seems as if everything stops and revolves around us, as if being together is all that matters.

The feeling of butterflies erupt in my stomach but also the feelings of completion, "Yeah I'm fine." I finally speak still in a daze but it seems as if I am not the only one.

The guy staring down at me like I am the last thing on this earth is frozen as his eyes move to each of mine like he is hypnotized. His pupils dilate little by little as a ring of gold forms around the iris of his green eyes, it almost pulls me back into a trance but he quickly shuts them close.

"Your eyes changed," I claim confused about what just happened between this stranger and me.

"They do that sometimes." I notice how deep his voice is and I cant stop the shiver I get down my spine from the way he spoke.

"Do they do that often?" I ask never seeing someone's eyes change colors before.

The stranger reopens his eyes and theyre back to normal as a small smile crosses his face as he stares down at me, "Every day." He says bending down to help me up.

Realizing I am still on the school ground in the middle of the hallway I help myself up but this guy is freakishly strong as he picks me up with ease and . As soon as his skin touches mine electric jolts shock through me leaving me gasping for air.

His Legendary Mate ✔️|COMPLETED| RewritingWhere stories live. Discover now