Chapter Five

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"You know, I'm pretty sure you just broke the record for worst Alpha ever." Isadonna snorted as her fingers wove Faith's long golden blonde hair into an intricate braid that I'd always envied. 

My reply was quick and too the point, exactly how I wished the meeting had been, "I got the gist of the thing. Alphas going missing. No one knows why. Stay safe."

"I think it's more then that Cara..."

"The only thing they need to realize is that it's either a hybrid doing this, or another Alpha. If I would had actually pointed that there is an actual chance of the kidnappings being done by one of our own, the whole room would have erupted into chaos. There are enough issues in our world. I don't need to add an all out Alpha war. At least with the Hybrids, I don't have to worry about any serious damage being done."

"That still doesn't explain why you walked out."

"Tiberius said if Titan and I can't be nice then we needed to leave the room. I walked out immediately."

"You can be nice-"

"It's not about that" I growled, "I have to be careful. If Titan and I get into it in front of the other Alpha's, they will learn about what is really going on around here. I can't risk someone taking advantage of the situation. To many things are at stake..."

"Do you really think they would try to attack the pack? I feel like the Alpha's are smart enough to realize that you would have back up."

"Attacking is not what I'm worried about," I quickly covered Faith's ears, "Zack and Jackson, among a few others, are unmated males who don't think females are fit to be in charge. I would put it past them to come after me-" My words were cut short as Faith's hair brush whipped past my head and lodged its self into the kitchen wall behind me. Chuckling nervously, I removed my hands from Faith's head and backed away slowly. "Uh...Isadonna...?" I watched as her eyes darkened, the beautiful color almost going black before snapping back to normal.

Behind me, the doors to the kitchen suddenly swung open and two bruiting Alpha's walked with sour looks on their faces. The shorter of the two walked over to Isadonna. He wrapped his hand around stomach and kissed her temple.

"Angry, my dear?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"Why are you Alpha's such pompous jerks?!" She snapped.

"What did you do?" His eyes dropped on me, but before I could answer, two soft, large hands found my shoulders and began squeezing gently along the muscle. Heat rushed to my cheeks as a soft moan escaped my lips. I really hated how easily my body reacted to something as simple as being touched by him.

"You seem a little tense, love." At the feel of his breath against the curve of my neck, I was on my feet and pushing him away. Tiberius had a devilish smirk plastered on his face, his eyes lingering on the spot he knew he was not aloud to touch.

"Just annoyed." I mumbled. I started to leave but stopped when the Alpha started talking again.

"Is that why you left?"

"I left because you told me to. Not to mention, you know that I hate my brother, and he was making sure to push all the right buttons in there."

"I know you do, but I didn't think you'd actually walk -" He paused and then chuckled quietly to himself, "Never mind. Now that I think about it, I'm not that surprised."

"Look, I'm sorry I walked out like that, but what was I suppose to do? My brother and I were already starting to go for each other's throat. Not to mention, I could tell that they were leaning more towards the kidnappings being done by another Alpha, but how do you think they would have reacted to hearing someone actually admit that most likely one of their own had betrayed us all?"

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