Chapter 25

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~2 months later~

Today is the best day of my life! Today is my wedding day, me and Oliver will officially be together in every way. Freddie was with the boys getting ready whilst I sat with the girls getting ready as well. We all sit on different seats whilst professionals hairdressers did our hair. When they were finished we helped each other doing our make up. When we finished we looked at ourselves in the mirror. All the girls looked absolutely gorgeous. I looked in the mirror and looked at this elegant girl who stood in my place. She had her hair curled with a little tiara on her head, she only had light make up on as well. I then noticed the girl was me and I smiled.

"You okay sweetie" mum asked.

"Yeah" I say smiling, but with tears threatening to fall.

"Don't cry darling" Mum says trying to gently wipe away the tears without ruining my makeup.

"I'm just so happy" I say.

We watched as Louis held Freddie in his arms and headed downstairs. Then I was Maisy's turn and she walked downstairs with Reggie, who had a little bow tie on. Now it was Megan and Rory's turn to head downstairs then was followed by Miley and Darren then Daisy and Steve. It was now me, Tia, Jamie and mum left in the room.

"Oliver told me to tell you that he loves you so much and he will see you at the end of altar" Jamie told me.

"Aww I love him too" I said. Tia and Jamie headed downstairs like the others and I started to get nervous.

"You ready sweetie?" my mum asked.

"Yeah" I say nervously. She smiled slightly and we started walking downstairs, I look round and see that no one was in the house. I looked at mum and she smiles.

"Wha-" I asked but got interrupted.

"It's a surprise" I said.

I nodded slowly and let my mum lead me to the wedding. We got outside and mum covered my eyes with a blindfold, jeez what's everyone with blindfolds?! Mum held my hand and carried on leading me, we walked for about six or seven minutes till we stopped walking. The blindfold loosened and I pulled it away, I then looked at the scene in front of me and gasped, it was beautiful.

We were in the forest and there was white jasmine's blossoming around the outside. There was also white petals down the altar. There was white chairs in rows which all had light blue bow on the back of them. Then I saw him, the man I was about to marry. He just looked perfect in every way possible, I wanted to run up to him and kiss him but instead me and mum slowly walked up the altar whilst people stood up. I looked at everyone and smiled, I saw friends from school and all the pack. I soon got to the end of altar and gave my mum a quick hug then stood next to Oliver.

"You look perfect" Oliver whispered in my ear.

I smiled at him and the vicar started the ceremony. I wasn't fully listening to the vicar as I was too mesmerised by Oliver but said 'I do' and my vows when I needed to.

"I now pronounce you man and wife" the vicar announced "You may kiss the bride" he said. I smiled and Oliver pressed his lips gently on mine.

It was now time for the reception, it was being held in the pack house. Me and Oliver held hands and walked into the games room. It was totally different now because the tv, games, sofas and pool table were moved out the room and we now had a dance floor and DJ in there. Me and Oliver walked to the middle of the dance room and had our first dance to 'All of Me' by John Legend. When our dance was over people started coming onto the dance floor and dancing with us. Me and Oliver danced for a while then danced with others and soon it was time to eat and have speeches. We all headed into the dining room and sat in our seats. People were talking to each other but soon stopped when someone tapped their glass. Louis stood up,

"I know I'm not the best man but I just wanted to say thank you to Mimi for making my little brother so happy. I have never seen him so happy and I think we can all say that you're the perfect image of the soon to be Alpha's. Let you and your family lead the way" he sat back down.

I smiled at him and then Jamie did his speech followed by Tia's. After the speeches were over we had our meal then went back to the games room and people danced, talked and drank.

"It's time to go babe" Oliver whispers into my ear.

"Okay" I said.

We said our goodbyes and headed outside and into the wedding car, we're leaving Freddie and Reggie with mum whilst we're on our honeymoon. We got in the backseats whilst the driver started driving us to our location. I snuggled up to Oliver and looked at our rings and smiled.

"Babe were not going anywhere really special for our honeymoon" Oliver said sadly.

"I don't care as long as I'm with you" I say happily. He kisses me softly on the lips but soon we started kissing more roughly.

A little while later we arrived at our destination. Oliver got out first and ran around, he paid the driver and picked me up out the car.

"I have legs you know" I said.

"I know" he said, I then looked at where we were. We was at a massive house,

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Our house" he said smiling. We walked inside the house and he put me down to my feet.

"I'll show you around babe" he said and took my hand, whilst I followed speechless.

We started at the bottom floor, we looked at the kitchen, the dining room we also had two living rooms, a study, a office room and a inside swimming pool and also a games room. We headed outside and I saw we had a outside swimming pool and a big garden for the kids to play around. We walked back inside and looked at all the rooms upstairs, there was ten rooms in total. All of them were decent sizes as well. All the rooms downstairs had our furniture in it including some new stuff, Freddie had most of his stuff in his room. The room next to ours had the cribs set up as well. Me and Oliver walked into our room, it had all new furniture in it.

"Thanks for this house baby" I said happily.

"I planned it myself" he said proudly.

"I love you so much my handsome husband" I said kissing him.

"I love you so much my amazing wife" we kissed and fell onto our new bed. We pulled away when I felt a kick, Oliver then put both of his hands on my bulging belly.

"I love you too" he said kissing my stomach.

We laid there in each other's arm, as man and wife. It all just felt like a dream, I'm the princess who got her happy ever after. I've got the perfect husband, three children, the cutest dog in the world and now our own house.


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