Chapter 10 - memory loss

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Chapter 10

Anthony's POV!

i couldn't believe what i was seeing, about 200 rogues, i had more pack members but that was a lot of rogues to attack at once. I wanted to go back and see if Angel was okay but i need to fight to protect my pack and family. There were guards protecting the woman and children, some of the women never made it to the barn.

I shifted into my wolf and started attacking the rogues.....

Angel's POV!

I cradled crying Tommy in my arms, other children were crying too and so were some of the woman, i put Tommy on the seat i was sitting on and told him i will be back he nodded, i went around the children first.

"Y-you o-okay?" i asked, some hugged me but others just nodded, i asked the woman too, they were just scared. I felt a pain in my stomach it made me lose my breath, it was such an uncomfortable pain that i didn't know what to do, i walked back to Tommy when the pain went down, he hugged me and i cradled him in my arms.


It had been just over 2 hours we have been sitting here and some of the children are getting hungry, there was still no news from anyone from the pack and we haven't seen any rogues.

Then the door opened, a tall man was standing there, a woman and a child ran up and hugged him, they were crying, then more men came in and hugged there wife and children, but there was no sign of Tommy's mum or dad or Anthony, the fight was over. I held onto Tommy's hand as everyone made there way back to there homes, i walked Tommy to his to see if his mum was there, no sign, i walked back to mine to see if Anthony was there, no sign, where were they? they couldn't have been killed? oh please god no i would have felt it if Anthony had died.

I made Tommy some food and told him i will find his mum when Anthony comes home, he ate quietly, i went into the living room and turned the TV on and put on some cartoons for Tommy. What if his mums dead? where will he go?, he watched and seemed to be fine right now.

There was a knock at the door, i told Tommy to stay there, i opened it to find a tall man in white standing there.

"Are you Angel? And i was told you had Tommy, am one of the doctors and i have bad news for him" i nodded and led the way to Tommy, he looked up.

"Tommy i have something to tell you, your mother she has gone to visit your father up in the sky" my eyes widened and went running for Tommy who was crying his little heart out, i will look after him.

"Since his father had died a few years ago we have no one to look after him he will have to come with me" i shock my head.

"H-he c-can stay with m-e " i told him, he looked shocked but agreed.

"Alpha Anthony is in the hospital would you like me to take you to him??" i nodded and i took a hold on Tommy's hand and he got up of the couch and walked beside me, we walked for about a mile east, there it was a big hospital.

The doctor led us up to the room were Anthony was, i opened the door and tears rolled down my face, he had a broken leg and a bandage round his head, he looked dead but i know he wasn't, i walked over, Tommy went and sat on one of the seats, he was still crying. i picked up one of Anthony's big hands and held it.

"w-wake u-p" i kept saying, but he wasn't waking up, what was wrong with him? the doctor had explained that he had a head injury that was really bad and he wont wake up any time soon, he might not even remember me. I cried into his hand, i felt hands on my back, i turned my head to see Tommy, i grabbed him and hugged him, he was without a mother or father.

After an hour Tommy was hungry and so was i, We walked to the cafeteria and got some sandwiches, Tommy looked hurt and was about to burst into tears any moment, i bet i looked like that too. 

After our food we headed back to Anthony's room, the doctor was doing a blood test on him when we walked in, she was beautiful and young, i couldn't help but growl when i saw her touching my Anthony, her head flow up, she told me she had a mate.

Hours past and Anthony was still not awake, i was told to go home and get some rest so i did, i walked hand in hand with Tommy, he wanted to go into his house and get his teddy bear so i let him, he came back out, tears running down his face.

I tucked him in to the spare bedrooms bed, he had fallen asleep instantly, me on the other hand couldn't, i couldn't stop thinking what if he dies what will i do? i couldn't bring Tommy up myself. Sleep consumed me.


I woke up early, glancing at my clock it was only 7:00 am, i got out of bed and took a shower, Tommy wasn't up yet but i peeked in to see if he was okay, he was fast asleep. I walked down stairs and made a cup of tea. I sat there for a few hours until Tommy came running down the stairs.

"i was looking for you but you weren't there and i got scared" he hugged me, he told me he was hungry so i got the cereal out of the cupboard, he ate away, he also had a glass of milk.

Once he was finished i told him to go take a shower and i will be back, i was just going to get him some more clothes. 

I walked into his house, it was big, there were family pictures every were, i grabbed some of Timmy's clothes and underwear and put them in a bag, i grabbed one of the pictures that was on his night stand, and started walking home.

Tommy wasn't out yet but i told him that there were clothes in his room and that i brought his picture, he came down stairs and sat and watched TV for a little while till i told him i was going to the hospital, he was going to come with me, i asked him questions on what he likes and if he would like to say with me and his alpha, he liked that idea.

We got to Anthony's room, there were a lot of doctors in, i growled and they all looked at me, then moved out the way, then i saw, Anthony wasn't in his bed, where was he.

"Wheres Anthony, what have you done with my mate!" i shouted, i didn't know i could shout they tried to calm me but i wouldn't calm, then i suddenly felt calm, tingles were running down my spin, my head snapped round and there stood Anthony, i slammed my body into his, he looked confused but i don't care, he was mine and mine only and he shouldn't scare me like that again.

I pulled away, why was he looking at me like that? he opened his mouth, wait he looked confused, please got don't let him say what he was about to say...

"who are you?" .......

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