Outbreak - Two

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I claw the sand besides me as I continue to stare at him, while a thick ball of emotion lodges itself firmly in my throat. I find myself completely unable to take my eyes off this boy. He's unlike anyone I've ever looked at before, he belongs in the movies, not real life. I almost want to reach out and touch him, just to confirm that he's nothing more than a mirage.

His mouth opens widely as he laughs at something his companion's says to him, causing his teeth glisten in the sunlight. He's tall, athletic looking, with a cool preppy boy style, which I love. On top of that, he has dark brunette hair, which makes his gorgeous blue eyes seem to sparkle even more. He's perfect...absolutely perfect.

My insides dance excitedly as I imagine him wrapping his hands around the back of my neck, as I feel him pulling me closer, drawing me nearer for a kiss just as wonderful as him...

Eventually I have to drag my gaze away as my thoughts become increasingly untoward. He could look up at any second and catch me staring, probably with my wild imagination plastered right across my expression. How embarrassing would that be? I'd be the weird stalker-girl before I even know anyone here. I try and focus on my feet, taking note of the fact that I'm wearing my battered old green canvas shoes, which are comfy, but definitely not fashionable. Someone like that—someone so in tune with everything cool—wouldn't look at a girl like me twice anyway, so I really should just forget about him.

But of course, I can't.

I count to twenty before daring to look up again, bracing myself to find him gone, but to my complete shock, he's standing right in front of me. His lonely shadow looms, causing my brain to completely shut down.

"Erm, I'm um..." I splutter, wondering what the hell I'm supposed to say now—this situation is too bizarre for words. It doesn't help that I've never been good at first impressions, but even so this has to be one of my worst. I need time to prepare, this isn't fair!

Luckily, he seems to sense that I'm falling apart and he rapidly takes over the conversation, much to my relief.

"New here?" He asks, in a chocolaty smooth voice. I nod, wondering if it's that obvious. "Yeah, it's easy to tell the newbies when you know everyone!" I laugh nervously, the sound coming out a little more like a cackle than anything else. "Zac." He extends his hand to me, and I shake it feeling electricity race through me. "Zac Gella."

"Rachael Leigh." I reply. "Or, well...Rae. Most people call me Rae."

"It's nice to meet you, Rae. Please, tell me all about yourself."

Oh God, I hate that question, I never know what to say, but this might just about be my only chance to chat to Zac, so I have to get something out. I guess here goes nothing.

"Okay, well my dad just moved us here this week..."

While I talk, Zac sits next to me, so close that I can actually feel his body heat emanating off of him, and in that moment it's hotter than the sun. He's making my skin prickle, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, my pulse rate freak out...yet somehow that isn't a horrible sensation. If anything, I kinda like it.

After a while, I even forget to be intimidated by his beauty and manage to act like a normal person...cracking jokes and everything! I haven't ever been close to a guy before—friendship or otherwise—but I actually find it surprisingly easy to chat with Zac. He's just so charismatic and approachable. There's something about his aura that's oddly soothing, which makes me like him even more.

After our chat, I find myself feeling much happier—almost skipping with it as I walk back to my new home. Maybe this place isn't going to be so bad after all. In fact, this move could be the best thing to ever happen to me.

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