Mistaken Identity - Epilogue

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Six months had passed and the family was together in California. Beth’s movie was a blockbuster success. She had movie suggestions pouring in, but her next role would be something a little closer to home.

After the case of mistaken identity, she and Addie became very close. They were constantly on the phone and even Madalynn and William were now a huge part of her life. The biggest change, even bigger than finding a long lost sister and adoptive parents was what the six months of hiding did to Jackson. He would not let Bethany out of his sight. He loved her and days after the events in the cabin, he proposed and they were quickly married in a quiet ceremony in the Walker’s backyard.

Tonight the family was together for a different celebration. Beth and Jackson had just announced over breakfast that they were expecting. Which sent the women at the table squealing in delight and the men at the table slapping Jackson on the back. Duncan was glad that his best friend was happy in marital bliss. It gave him something to look forward to with Addie... one day.

The limo pulled up to the red carpet and cameras flashed. The family united for Beth’s big night. She was nominated for an Oscar for her role as Deborah Maddox, mob daughter turned informant. She didn’t expect to win, so when her name was called it took Addie telling her to go on stage and accept her award.

In her acceptance speech, Bethany had so much to be thankful for. “Jackson, you are my love and serving you extra whipped cream on your pie was the best career move I have ever made. I would like to thank the Maddox family for inspiring this movie. Without this story and a certain crazy person in the family, I would have never met my long lost sister and parents. Mom, Dad, you once told me that I was not your flesh and blood daughter, but that did not stop you from loving me. I want to tell you that I may not have been born of your womb, but I was born in your heart and for that I will always be grateful. Addie, I always wanted a sister. Someone I could share my secrets with, my dreams with, hang out with and talk about boys. I never would have dreamed it would have been this wonderful. Duncan and Jackson should be very worried. Thank you all for believing in me, I love you.”


A little over a year after the case of mistaken identity, Addie was standing in the Great Hall of Castle Leod watching Duncan swear his allegiance to his father, the new chieftan of the MacKenzie clan.

For a few months they dated like any normal couple. Duncan knew that Addie was the one, but had held true to his promise of not forcing her into anything until he was sure she was ready. Until she knew that he was in it forever and that he was not using her for some ulterior motive.

They decided to get away one weekend at the cabin, they had a lot to discuss. Duncan had to make a decision about becoming taintist and moving home to Scotland and help his father handle the family interests. Addie needed to make some decisions herself. Would she continue in her father’s practice now that he decided to retire?

That night over dinner Duncan suggested a crazy idea. “Why don’t ye move to Scotland and start a practice there? Ye know I love ye. We can take things as slow as ye like and I can still see ye. Ye can even live in the lodge. Fix it up.”

“Are you afraid that if you move to Scotland that I wouldn’t visit?”

For the first time since she had met him, Duncan looked bashful. “No. I just don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t see ye every day.”

Addie rose from her chair, “Well, there’s Skype and email,” she walked towards him and he scooted his chair back to rise, but she didn’t give him the chance. She sat in his lap and wrapped her arm around his neck. She knew this was difficult for him. But, she needed to let him think he was talking her into this decision. “I even hear,” she said as she trailed a kiss on his jaw then his neck, “that they have this thing called cell phones that have reception in Scotland.” She watched as Duncan swallowed and his adam’s apple bobbed up and down. A small smile crossed her face as she leaned in to kiss it.

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