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s i x | A Huge Crush

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s i x | A Huge Crush

"At least you have this to look forward to after a good football game," Ella declared before taking a big bite of her cheeseburger.

We were at Shack's, the local kickass retro diner near campus along with quite a few of the other students that had headed down here. Most of the football team was here too; and Ella had told me about the dinner plans after she'd gotten some much needed water.

Ravenous as I was, I had already finished my burger and fries in record time, and washed it all down with a chocolate milkshake like I hadn't eaten in days, even though I'd just had a hot dog at the game. Feeling the effects of gorging straight after, I turned to my friends. "Guys, I feel like I just ate the whole diner. I'm going to go for little walk right outside."

Busy with her milkshake, Ella didn't respond with much but a nod, but Matt managed to give me a thumb's up before going back to his food.

Stepping outside the diner, I strolled around in the parking lot, breathing in the cool night air. There was something about the night that was always so calming and peaceful to me, and tonight was a perfect example. Smiling at a couple that headed past me towards the diner, I looked around. The streetlights cast a soft glow in the night air, illuminating the back of a figure seated at the bench outside.

I was pretty sure I knew who that was.

"Hey, stranger," I grinned, toying with the idea of being brave. "What's tall, dark and handsome doing out here alone?"

He didn't dignify that with a response.

I expected as much.

I settled next to him and lightly shouldered him. "No, seriously, why do I always find you away from the crowd? Shouldn't the man of the hour be in there?"

Isn't that where he belonged? Reveling in his victory as the guy who—and this was even obvious to me—was the star of the game?

So why was he here again?

"Needed to get away," he muttered and I immediately panicked. Was I interrupting his alone time or something?

Oh shit.

"I'm sorry," I began, suddenly unsure in his presence. "I didn't think—I mean, I'll just leave you to—"


I paused, a little dubious I'd just heard him say that.

Then I began again hesitantly because I knew what I'd say next might be pushing it a little too far but I really did feel like I'd burst if I kept sitting around.

"Do you mind if we take a walk or something?"

He didn't answer again.

But what he did do was stand up after a beat and hold a hand out to me.

Oh God, this boy.

I estimated it'd be probably a week at most until I was absolutely crazy about him.

But when I slipped my hand into his and he pulled me up, keeping my hand in his and not dropping it like I expected he would this time, I decided a week was definitely stretching it a little.

I liked him.

I so liked him.

But I still had a long way to get to know him.

I honestly hoped I would keep getting the chance to, so that when we were finally at a place comfortable enough, I could take it.

But for now, I was content just being around him.

Hey, Noahحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن