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I let out a growl as the wolf continues to yell at me. I leap off of the back of the warrior's dragon. My dress flies around me as I fall through the air.

I land in a silent crouch, just inside the edge of the burning forest. With a wave of my hand the flames subside long enough for me to walk through the trees and into the clearing of wolves.

My fire snake hisses and spits beside me, swaying side to side. The wolves look at me with eyes full of fear, all except for one: the Werewolf King.

"Lyza!" he yells again and I growl angrily.

"How do you know my name?" I snarl. He takes a step forward and my finger twitches. The snakes hisses loudly and slithers closer. He leaps backwards in shock.

"You're my mate Lyza! You saved my life, you saved my sister's life!" he yells.

I growl. "I've never seen you before! The only thing I know about you is that you killed my father!" I spit, stalking closer. My eyes are flaming red and I can feel my dragon trying to surface but I push him down.

"What are you talking about? I didn't kill your father." My fist smashes into his face and he falls onto his back a few feet away.

"Don't lie to me!" I storm forward until I am standing over him. "I found the wolves you sent to kill the dragons and I made them confess! They told me that the Werewolf King ordered for the extinction of dragons."

He pushes himself to his feet, holding his bleeding nose. "That wasn't me! That was my father! That order was made decades ago!" he says.

I growl angrily and kick him hard in the ribs. I hear a harsh cracking noise followed by his gasp of pain. "My uncle warned me of the trickery you wolves like to use, it won't work on me!" I roar, delivering a kick straight to his chest.

"I'm not tricking you Lyza, I know you!" He wheezes. "Your name is Lyzaria, your uncle is Adarath. Your dragon's name is Mitalonys but in dragon form he is called Talon. When you were younger you were promised to a warrior named Kailo," he says and I freeze.

"How do you know that?" I snarl. I swallow a hard lump in my throat in panic.

He slowly stands up. "I told you, I know you!"

"You're trying to trick me again!" I lift my hand and my Snake slithers over. In my anger, my dragon successfully surfaces.

Lyzaria wait! Wolves cannot perform the kind of trickery you are thinking of! Mitalonys growls.

What are you talking about? Uncle said they can—

He obviously lied to you Lyza! I have been trying to tell you that but you keep blocking me out! He growls angrily.

I glance back at the wolf and he is looking at me with pleading eyes. "I've never seen you before in my life, how did you learn all of this?" I ask again.

"You told me, I'm your mate!" He repeats and I growl.

"That's impossible! Dragons choose their own mates and I already have one!" I spit.

"Lyza you killed Kailo when he tried to take your throne."

I shake my head furiously. "I would never kill Kailo and he would never do such a thing."

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