16 ~ Sour as a Rhubarb

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A/N: I'm starting to run out of sour foods. If you can think of any, I'd love to know. Also, Clark calls Mrs Wellington Mrs Willy-ton, and I'm just letting you know that I did that on purpose, because a willy is a penis. Also, I hope you guys like Lottie, because I love her. also, dedicated to TinaTwister, because she made me a fabulous cover!

Chapter 16: Sour as a Rhubarb (Ben)

"You know, lately I've had to ask you what's the matter an unnecessary amount of times," Clark said, sighing painfully.

I whipped around from where I was pacing and scowled. "Here's a thought," I said flatly, "how about you stop asking me that?"

Clark grinned, looking way too pleased with himself. "Now, where's the fun in that? I find amusement in your little tantrums."

I was already annoyed, and now my best friend was just adding fuel to the fire. "I'm not having a tantrum!" I thundered.

"I'm not sure why I even ask you why you come back in such horrible moods. It's obvious it's to do with Charlie."

I paused, my anger coming to an abrupt standstill. I'd known the girl for what? A few weeks? And I realised that Clark was right. Lottie was the cause of my rising temper.

"What happened this time?" Clark asked patiently.

I looked at him, rolling my eyes. He looked like an eager therapist the way he was sitting. "You looking at me like that doesn't make me want to tell you," I said.

Clark gave me an unimpressed look. "What happened this time?" he repeated more forcefully.

I stared at him. "I went to the bakery and Mrs Wellington came in."

His nose wrinkled in disgust and understanding. That's why I managed to stay close with the bastard - he understood my situation better than anyone. "God, I always wondered how that crabby old hag managed to change the Miss to Mrs, but the Mr is just as bad as her." I nodded in agreement. "Did she act like her usual self?"

I nodded again. "Like she cuts the throats of puppies in her spare time."

Clark winced. "And in front of Charlie? How'd she handle it?" he asked curiously. Because that was always the deciding factor - people who agreed with my family and their horrid friends just to make a good impression on wealthy people, or even listened to their demeaning words with frightened rabbit eyes, pissed me off. I couldn't stand those types of people.

But Lottie...

I strode over to the sofa and sat down heavily, burying my face in my hands. I heard Clark groan. "Oh god, did she cry or something? Or did she offer Mrs Willy-ton free cupcakes to get her approval?"

I gritted my teeth. "No. Worse."

Clark sighed. "I really thought she was different. What did she do?"

"She stood up for me."

I glanced up, and noticed Clark gaping at me. "What the fuck, man? How is that worse? You scared the shit out of me, I thought she'd acted like a dickhead!"

"You don't understand!" I snapped, my fists clenching up. "It's worse because now I know that she really isn't a dickhead!"

"And how is that worse?" he asked, looking like he wanted to smack me upside the head. And I could totally understand why.

I gritted my teeth. "Lottie, the bird who lets customers walk all over her and offers her sweeties to small children, stood up for me!" Why couldn't he understand how bad this was? She'd even said I made her happy, and I couldn't let that happen.

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