SideKick head ass.

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it's become an awkward silence as Gelo and Metri are holding hands.

"Uh it became yo business when?" Gelo asked her.

"You're right it's not my business."

"So then why you still standing here?" Metri said.

"Because I came to see how my friends Melo and Kaylee have been doing." She said looking at us.

"Uh... I wouldn't say we were friends." I trailed off

"I still don't like you." Melo said in all seriousness.

"Why are we all so salty. If anyone should be rude it's me." Isabella said starting to get mad. "You, LiAngelo, broke up with me for this hoe."

"Who's the hoe? Cause it can't be me." Metri said.

"I don't think I stuttered." She said. Then her friends came up to the table and started talking so I knew it was my time to jump.

"Yeah I don't think she did." Jessica at girl that also goes to our school. Isabella Jessica and Saylor are always together. I don't see them around school anymore because Isabella avoids Gelo.

"So now just finna be petty now?"  Metri said standing up.

I was sitting on the outside of the booth and Metri was sitting across from me.

"So your the slut that took my best friends boyfriend? She's uglier than I thought." Saylor said.

Me and Melo were holding hands and I gripped his hand tighter because I knew Metri would want me to jump in.

"I was thinking the same thing. He left you for... this?" Jessica motioned to Metri.

"I thought I was the only one who thought LiAngelo was a stupid ass for leaving me for some bitch ass hoe." Isabella said. Her face was getting redder and redder. "You know I bet she had sex with him."

"She probably did."

I've never seen Metri backdown from anyone but right now it seems like she was stuck and I knew this was the time where is should step in.

"Okay so what you not finna do is talk to my best friend like this."  I said standing up.

"Oh so the side kick speaks huh?" Isabella said. She and her lil groupies started laughing at her lame joke.

"Shut up. You already know I got dirt on all three of y'all so run along before you get hurt." I said.

"You're not shit so shut up slut." Saylor said.

"Oh so I'm a slut? But were you the one that was getting dirty with Jessica's man?" I said looking at Jessica's mortified face."Oh I forgot I wasn't suppose to say anything oops."

"Oh Jessica don't act surprise cause I remember a little birdie told me that you were cheating on yo boyfriend with a college dude but hey ... that none of my business either."

"And I may not know much about your dirty little secrets Isabella but what I do know is that you just mad because my best friend is a bad bitch and can take yo mans." I said. "Wait she already did my bad I forgot."

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