Chapter 10

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Nico's POV

I stared down at the slave boy.

The one who not only told me that I had to go see Lord Bronwyn again, but that I had to take Khloe with me as well.

I hadn't noticed that my grip had substantially tightened on the door until the slave's eyes flickered to my hand for a short moment.

"Will do."

I shut the door before he could say anything else.

Why the hell would he need to see me again? And with my pet? I literally met with him last night.

It's not like he hasn't piled me with enough work already.

I turned to see Khloe wide-eyed on the couch. Her breaths had already spead up enough for me to know that she was panicking if her nails digging into the couch didn't tell me anything.

This is exactly why I didn't want to take her in the first place.

I sighed as I made my way over to the desk to retrieve her leash.

"Khloe," I said in an act to grab her attention.

It was successful, except that her terrified expression had now shifted to me.

She shrunk back deeper into the couch as I lifted her leash into my hands.

"W-what does he want w-with me?" She stuttered.

Her voice was quiet enough that I don't think a human could have heard it.

I shrugged, taking a couple steps towards her.

"I have no idea, but I want to get this over with as soon as possible so come here."

She did, eventually.

It probably would have been faster if I went to her but oh well.

Her trembling became more apparent as she stepped closer to me. I'm surprised she could even walk.

She kept her eyes on the ground as I attached her leash and headed towards the door.


I pretty much had to drag Khloe up to the Lord's room.

She didn't even dare look up as I approached the large double doors guarded by two of the Lords favorite ego-filled guards.

I stopped right in front of the guards, waiting for them to let me in.

They both glanced at Khloe for a moment before focusing on me.

"State your business, Nicolas." The one on the left barked.

I rolled my eyes.

This guy always pissed me off.

I really didn't want to deal with this right now.

"Your guess is as good as mine, buddy."

The one on the left glared at me while the other one smirked a bit in amusement.

"The Lord sent for him like five minutes ago, idiot." He said.

The one on the left huffed as he leaned back against the wall.

"What the hell could Lord Bronwyn want with you two days in a row?"

Did I not already tell him that I didn't know?

I gave the leash a slight tug, signaling Khloe that we were about to start walking.

"I don't know," I made my way towards the door, setting my hand upon it to let myself in, "Maybe he realized how incompetent you are and needed someone to actually get something done."

Vampire's PetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora