Chapter 18

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Sierra's POV

We are now at the hotel room and the beast was busy on his laptop. Suddenly my phone started to ring and I quickly picked it up seeing that it was my brother, Jayden. "Hey Jay," I said. "Hey princess how are you doing?" he asked. "Well I am fine Jay. I am missing you all so much," I said with a hint of sadness in my tone. "Yea right that is why you haven't called mom in so long. She has been complaining lately princess. And dad is also angry about you not calling," he said and that made me guilty.

"I know, I have been kind of busy those days. I am so sorry that I haven't called. Anyways is everything good there," I asked. "Yes princess-" he was cut by my other brothers. "Hey princess, how are you? You already forgot about us. You don't even call me... nor me," it was Aiden and Caiden talking at the same time.

Those two are crazy but I love them. "Hey boys, I have been busy-" I was cut by the beast. "Angel who are you talking to," the beast said. "Princess who is the boy with you? It doesn't sound like Noah," Jay said from the other side of the line. Crap! I am going to be in deep trouble if Jay comes to know about the beast. "Everyone calm down," I screamed. "Jay this is not Noah, it's my bo-," I was cut off by the beast. "Her husband," the beast said. Oh no! "What the hell? Princess is this true?" Jay asked.

"Yes Jay actually we are only engaged. I was going to tell you guys but-," I said but Jay cut me off. "No, how could you not tell us. We are your brothers Sierra. What about mom or dad? Were you even planning on inviting us to your wedding," Jay said and I couldn't hold back my tears. Jay never calls me by my name. They all call me Princess. Jay didn't even give me the chance to talk as he hung up. When I looked at the beast, I saw guilt in his eyes. It's too good to be true. My brothers are angry with me and it is the fault of the beast. I ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I will go back to them after the contract is over.

I ended up staying in the bathroom for 3 hours crying. The beast came a lot of times to tell me to come out because he needed to talk to me but I just pushed him away. This is not what I expected. Jay is disappointed in me. This was not suppose to happen. But still I stopped blaming the beast. I really am in love with him and he is also trying to make it up to me. He apologized several times.

"Angel, please come out. I am really sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. Please give me a chance. Come out Angel," he said and I could hear a hint of worry in his voice. I got up from the floor and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I look like crap. I need to fix this before going out. "Give me a few minutes Xander," I said weakly and heard him sigh.

As I said, after a few minutes I came out of the bathroom and I saw an empty room. "Xander," I called for him but no one responded. Okay that means the beast is not here. I went to the side of the bed and took my phone. Should I call mom or not? Will she pick up my phone?

Suddenly my phone started to ring. It was mom. "Hello mom," I said waiting to hear her voice impatiently. "Hey my love how are you?" she said. Maybe Jay hasn't told her yet. "I am fine mommy. I just talked to Jay a few hours ago. I have something to-" "I know baby, your brother told me about your engagement," she said. "I am sorry that I haven't told you guys earlier. I was going to but everything got messed up. Mommy, the boys are disappointed in me. I could hear it in the voice of Jay," I said and a little tear rolled down my face.

"Sweetheart, they are just being possessive. You know how they are. They are going to be fine, just give them sometime to take in that you have grown up," she said and that gave me hope. "Thanks mom. I really miss you and how is dad? Is he angry about me not introducing my fiancee to you guys before," I asked, a little bit scared of the answer. "Love he is bound to be angry. His little girl is grown up and he needs sometime as well," she said. At least mom is not angry with me.

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