Cleaning up New York

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Two sister with great powers lived in New York City,a place where there's a lot of pollution. The sister's names were Mia & Maya. They were so sad to see their home so polluted.

They soon figured out the power to stop this pollution was in their hands. they had the power to fly and move with incredible speed{even if they bent down}. The necklaces they wore, told them what they needed to do.They also controlled and gave the sisters their powers.

From the roof,Mia saw a plastic bag and a napkin. She leaped off the roof, touched her necklace for flying power, then she grabbed the bag and napkin. Mia wasn't sure what to do with the trash so she went to ask Maya.

Meanwhile Maya saw a napkin and a can running across the sidewalk. She touched her necklace for incredible speed, she moved like the wind as she went to get the litter.Once she picked up the trash she had no idea what to do with the trash.She went to look for Mia to ask her.

Mia and Maya bumped into each other and at the same time asked"Do you know what to do with the litter once you collect it !??!''.Since they had no idea, they asked their necklaces what they should do. Their necklaces didn't give them any answers.

Suddenly one afternoon while the sisters were doing homework, their necklaces started to glow green... lightly at first, then growing darker and darker. It was glowing green like crazy! The light looked as if it would engulf the whole room with it's light.

The sisters had no idea what it meant,so they took a walk. Mia ran super fast around the park. Maya flew over the rooftops.They were looking for ideas and clues to what their necklace was telling them to do. Mia and Maya saw an enormous green recycling truck from the air and the land.

Suddenly they knew what to do. The answer was very clear. They had to get people to RECYCLE!!

Mia and Maya went to Maya's room. They pulled out all their litter. Thump, the trash bag was so heavy. Mia and Maya got anything that they could use to recycle all the litter they collected.After they crushed up all the litter, they took it to a factory where they made new things out of all their litter.

Mia and Maya found people at the zoo and at the aquarium. These people loved animals. Mia and Maya persuaded them not to litter. At the beach and on the sidewalks, they found hundreds of people. It was much harder to convince these people to not litter. It also took much longer as well.

After a few months, half of New York were helping Mia and Maya stop littering.

One day when Mia and Maya were trying to stop pollution and littering they saw their parents. They quickly finished what they were saying about stopping pollution and littering.

Unluckily their parents saw them. Mia and Maya were in big trouble. Their parents were really mad that they were telling strangers what to do. Mia and Maya were grounded and confined to their room. Luckily they could fly through the window and keep on passing on the message.

You might wonder how they avoided their parents. Mia listened through the wall to see where their parents were going to the next day .

After 20 years all of New York were recycling and doing everything they could to keep New York clean. There weren't as many landfills either. Mia and Maya were happy to have helped make New York nice and clean.


Did you like it? Tell me what you think in the comments.

Written for: school

When: 4th grade

Type: environment (scific? I don't really know.)

My comments: This story had lots of loose ends that weren't clearly answered.

I may or may not re write this story. Tell me what you think. Anything I should improve?

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