Chapter 15

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Allison's P.O.V

"WHAT THE FUCK BLAKE!!!" Alex screamed.

He got up from the floor throwing his controller to Drake.

"What man?" Blake asked trying to not sound scared.

"I can't believe you!" Alex said.

"What dude?" Blake said moving his hand away.

"You know Drake sucks!! I died because of him man!" Alex said.

Whooo!! Ok so he's mad at Blake because of the game not because of 'that'.

"Ohh ok dude you uhh... scared me a bit." Blake said.

"How did I scare you?" Alex said.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." Blake said.

"Umm ok man. What is taking them so long to get ready, Aquarius go get Nate and Bri so we can go please." Alex said.

She did as told and 15 minutes later they all came downstairs.

"About damn time." Alex said.

"All right then let's go!" I screamed we all left and started to walk towards the boardwalk.

"Damn baby!" William screamed, we all turned around to see him and Aquarius laughing.

"Umm ok?" I said while grabbing Amanda's hand. I pulled her closer to me.

"Are you sure she's ok, I mean she just got out of a relationship." I asked her.

"Well she seems happy, maybe it's just a fling until he or she finds someone else." She said

"Come on!! Let's go I want to ride the rainbow!" Britney screamed at all of us.

We all started walking faster until we got to the rainbow. We stood in line for a few minutes until we got on. We all got on the first row so we could see the ground. It was Alex, Caitlyn, Britney, me, Blake, Nathen, Drake, Amanda, William, and finally Aquarius. We filled up the entire front row.

We all started to laugh, well the girls did anyways, it wasn't a scary ride it's one of those belly ticklers. Blake starting laughing at me and that just made me laugh harder. We got off the ride and went to the zipper.

"You know I hate this fucking ride." I whispered to Blake.

"Well it's ok because I'll be with you and I'll make up for it later." He said with a smirk.

"I'm riding with Allison!" Blake screamed

"What! Why?" Alex asked.

"To see if she's cries man." Blake said laughing.

All the boys joined in while I glared at em.

"Well come on!" I screamed at Blake.

We got in the cart thing and the ride started it was rocking back and forth and where I was so small I was moving all around. It was awful.

We got off the ride thankfully alive. "I can't believe you just got on the zipper." Alex said

"Yea I thought you hated that ride?" William asked.

"She does." Caitlyn said.

"Then why did you get on it?" Drake asked

"Because I promised that shit head over there." I said pointing at Blake.

"God your such an asshole I can't believe she's actually your girlf-" Aquarius said before Amanda hit her.

"What?" Alex asked.

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