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11 years ago

"Daddy, which dress should I wear for today?" The little girl asked; she had to keep him busy so he and mommy wouldn't fight on her special day.

She was holding up two different coloured dresses; one red, and the other blue. But, before she could get her answer, Daddy's phone rang, and he was no longer her Father - he was the big bad biker president. He remained on the phone for a long time, and soon, she became impatient; her party was about to start soon. Finally, Daddy was done with the phone call, and she could finally get her answer.

"Wear the red dress princess. Grandma and grandpa have a present for you but can't make it, so Daddy is going to get it for them", Daddy said as he walked out of her bedroom, "I'll be back soon. So put on your pretty party dress."

When Daddy walked out the bedroom door, the sound of two people yelling began to fill her ears. She opened her bedroom door and heard her mommy screaming. The little girl exited her room, to try to get closer to sounds, but the only words the little girl was able to hear were "Don't you dare walk out that goddamn door. It's your daughter's birthday for God sake; the damn club can wait for one fucking day."

She couldn't take the yelling anymore and ran back towards her room. By the time she had collapsed on her bed, the tears had begun to cascade down her face. To drown out the fighting, she placed her hands over her ears, willing them to stop - begging them to stop. Her big brother came in just then, picked her up and put her on his lap. He rocked back and forth gently, trying to calm her down, but as long as the yelling remained, she cried still. Soon, when the screaming had ceased, and it had become quiet in the house, she scrambled off her big brother's lap and left her room. She searched all throughout the house but there was no sign of Daddy, she heard the yells of her mother, but she didn't care. She yanked open the front door, but there was no sign of her Daddy's motorcycle.

Mommy ushered her back inside and told her brother to help get her ready - the guests would be arriving soon. She didn't want to leave the front door. She was so confused then, Daddy had said he was going to get her presents from grandma and grandpa, but Mommy said it was club business? She was so hopeful that her Daddy wouldn't lie to her, so she let her brother help get her ready, wearing the dress that Daddy had chosen. It was time for the party.  

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