Chapter Nine

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Carter's Point of View

"No," I shook my head. "They will take me home."

"They'll assume that you are insane, the fact that you are with me makes it worse." He told me. I brought my hands up to my face, taking in what he said.

"This can't be happening," I whispered. I just want to go home and pretend this was all a pigment of my imagination. Creatures and monsters aren't real. Maybe I am insane? I stopped thinking, hearing a twig snap behind us.

"Oh, it's happening," He whispered before he took off.

"Wait!" I shouted, running after him. Bad idea; I had basically given away our location. I dodged low tree branches and stumps, trying to catch up to Harry. Suddenly, I felt something sharp hit my back. My body oddly reacted to it, practically shutting down. I dropped to my knees, my eyes half open as I watched Harry fall against a tree, attempting to support himself. Something was sticking out of his back, but I couldn't quite see it because I had so quickly blacked out.

• • •

I don't belong here, I thought as I walked past patients whispering to themselves. A man in the corner was sucking on his thumb, glaring at me. I tried my best to ignore his gaze as I sat on the edge of the empty couch. This place looked dull, even the patient gowns were dull blue. I stared at my knees, picking the hem of my gown. I practically jumped out of my skin as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I looked up and noticed a girl that had been standing in front of me. "What are you in here for?" She smirked, taking a seat next to me. Her blonde hair looked dirty, along with her bruised face; I had wondered why she was in here too.

"I-I don't exactly know. They won't tell me," I whispered, staring at her. "Why are you in here?"

She shrugged. "Drugs, sex, murder. The usual." My eyes widened as I tried my best to nonchalantly scoot away from her, although it was pretty obvious. "Yeah, they all try to hide from me."

"I wasn't-"

"Save it," She laughed, rolling her eyes. Something caught her gaze behind me, something interesting. "Oh, damn. . . He's back."

I turned to glance behind me, my eyes widening. There he was, dressed in the same patient gown as everybody else. His hair was messy, cuts were scattered on his tattooed arms. "Never in my life, I would think they were successful at catching him."

"Why?" I asked, turning to face her as soon as Harry sat down at an empty table, slouching tiredly.

"His attitude and the way he tried to pick a fight with the male nurses last year. Nobody even knows how he escaped!" She scoffed, shaking her head in amazement.

"I'm going to go talk to him," I told her. Just as I stood up, she pulled me back down.

"Careful. He's a lunatic," She warned.

"Try staying in a creepy tunnel with him for the longest amount of time. See what happens then." I left her to think about it as I approached Harry. Once he noticed me sit in the seat across from him, he smirked.

"Good to see you, Carter."

"How did you escape?" I cut to the chase, my mind becoming curious.

"Pardon?" He furrowed his eyebrows in pure falseness.

"You heard me, Harry. How did you get out? Because obviously you can do it again."

He leant forward, coming close to my face. "I don't give out that type of information. When I say it's a good time to escape, I do it. Got that?"

I slowly nodded, shutting my mouth. "Good," He leant back against the chair, not once dropping his sinister gaze on me.

"W-What if the devil comes?" I quietly asked.

"Then he'll take care of our situation."


"The devil appears when he wants to, not when we want him to."

This information was useless and it was going towards the direction of nowhere. Harry didn't even seem to want to escape. But then again, this is Harry we are talking about. You can't seem to get anything out of him. "I have one more question," I said.

"And it would be?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Are. . . Are the monsters in the tunnel. . . Real?" I felt so stupid asking that. He chuckled and fiddled with his fingers.

"'Course they are. But sometimes, monsters can be the little specks of insanity in our brains. We are all monsters, darling, and we are insane."

Author's Notes -


This is a bit short, sorry. But guys, please, you are sending me too many mixed signals! A lot of people are commenting, "What the f*ck" and I don't know if that's in a good way! Gahh it's driving me crazy hahaha and a lot of you are confused idk what for.

Also, I'm curious. Do you guys have friends that read this too ? Or? Haha :)

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