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Chapter 4: Apple

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She sat on her bed going through her mail. They were all bills and bills. Where to start, she had no idea. She had tried paying them off slowly, but somehow, she felt like she was in the same spot. After her parents passed away, she had decided to move out of her old apartment where they had lived together and look for a smaller and cheaper place and yet...things were not going as well as she wanted.

She felt tired and just threw her back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

She sighed.

She picked up the locket around her neck and opened it to the picture of her parents with her in the middle.

"Mum, Dad...when will I get my breakthrough? I miss you guys so much," she said, staring at the picture lovingly.

Her phone suddenly rang, and she picked it up from beside her on the bed.

"Hello," she spoke up, sounding tired.

"Hello, am I speaking to Miss Emerson Smith?" A smooth lady's voice came through sounding polished and well trained.

"Yes, this is she."

"Congratulations. You just got the job as the P.A. to Mr Hendrix. You're..."

"I what!?" she exclaimed loudly as she immediately sat up, feeling shocked and surprised.

"You got the job you interviewed for this morning..."

"But how? I...I thought I was rejected. He asked me to show myself out of his office!" she narrated, still surprised at the news.

"Well, I was asked to inform you to report to work tomorrow morning. Can you do that?"

"Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! I'll be there. Thank you so much for this opportunity," she exclaimed happily before the call got disconnected.

She couldn't believe this was happening. She thought she had lost her opportunity but miraculously, somehow, she'd gotten what she'd wanted.

As there was so much joy in her heart, she forgot about her ankle and got down from the bed to her feet.

"Ouch!" she exclaimed as she fell to the ground.

* * * * *

She stood patiently at the back of the elevator with a smile plastered on her face. She made sure to wake up on time this time around. Okay, maybe she wasn't early, but she wasn't late either. As she stared at the working-class people in the elevator with her that were all dressed professionally, her smile grew broader. She had finally gotten an office job. A lady standing beside her noticed her creepy smile for no reason and Ema knew that.

"I work here now...just like you," she told the lady excitedly as she pointed to the ID card around the woman's neck. The woman just slowly nodded as she gave Ema a weird stare before she drew her gaze away from her.

Ema couldn't care less about the look from the woman. She had shared her happiness and that was all that mattered.

The elevator opened and Ema saw her new boss standing right in front of it. She wondered if he was getting on. Her question was answered as he stepped in after a few people got out. The few people in the elevator greeted him with respect. She wondered why he'd changed his mind and called her back. He'd clearly stated that she wasn't fit for the work. He'd asked her to leave his office and then, all of a sudden, she'd received a call to show up at work. Nevertheless, she felt she owed him an apology for the way she'd talked to him yesterday and for...well, sort of bad-mouthing him a bit. She also had to thank him for reconsidering her and calling her back.

"I'm sorry, please excuse me...please excuse me," she pleaded as she managed to squeeze her way past a few people, careful not to hurt her ankle.

"Excuse me, sir." She tried to get his attention as she finally stood beside him.

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