Chapter 10 - Possibilities

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Before I could respond to the crazy fucker's claims, Elijah came bursting into the room.

I don't know what awoke him, except perhaps the subconscious feeling of me missing in bed next to him, or perhaps I didn't realize just how keen his Alpha senses truly were.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my pack!?" Elijah demanded, using his Alpha tone that I had yet to hear before now.

The strange man who oh-so cleverly called himself Casper, simply chuckled.

And then he vanished into thin air.

Elijah and I both stared at nothing for what had to have been several minutes before we turned and looked at each other.

"What happened?" Elijah finally asked. His Alpha tone had disappeared, and his voice now only held concern for me.

"I-I don't know," I answered honestly, stuttering a bit.

Elijah just stared at me, looking for answers. Unfortunately, I knew just about as much as he did. What did he expect me to say? The man had been there somehow, and then he vanished before our eyes.

"He said his name was Casper," I told him.

Elijah scoffed and shot me a baffled look as if he was asking if I was serious. The look on his face caused a small smile to form on mine, despite now not being the best time for smiles and humor.

"Well, he's obviously something supernatural," Elijah replied.

I snorted at his response, "Aren't we all?"

"You know what I mean, Lena. Although I do find it odd that he appeared on Sofia's first night in our territory."

I shook my head, determined to stop the accusations before they ever came, "Sofia had nothing to do with this. Her magic is pure and only used for good. She's my friend."

Elijah nodded, "I wasn't saying she brought him here on purpose, but maybe he's been lurking for a while and her presence and power was enough for him to latch onto so he could manifest himself."

I stared at Elijah quizzically. His knowledge never failed to surprise me. I felt like most Alphas would probably disregard the world of witches and magic. They'd likely view it as dark or taboo at the very least, yet Elijah seemed to not only accept it, but also knew a lot about it. With that thought, it occurred to me how little I really knew about my mate, so I made a mental note to get to know him better.

"That actually does make sense," I finally replied. "We will talk to her first thing in the morning, but I think you'll also need to make another phone call to Alpha Dean."

Elijah raised an eyebrow, "What could Dean possibly have to do with this?"

"That man...he's the man from my dreams. He's the man who hurts me and keeps me captive in Dark Root in my dreams, so..."

Before I could finish, a loud growl erupted from Elijah's throat. I jumped, feeling startled by the sudden aggression coming from my mate. He was normally calm and reasonable, so seeing this anger in him completely caught me off guard. Although he was an Alpha, I didn't know my mate possessed such typical Alpha personality traits. He was kind and down-to-earth around me and his family. It'd never occurred to me that there may be another side to him that I simply never saw.

And that was the second time within ten minutes that I realized I needed to make more of an effort to get to know my mate. We may have grown up together for five years of our early childhood, but we were much older now. That, and our history as childhood friends didn't do me much good when I couldn't remember any of it.

Luna LenaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon