~ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟥 ~

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1. not showing care for the consequences of an action; rash.


Skylar's ten year old self crawled backwards on the deck as the skull crawler slowly and agonisingly climbed onto the boat.

She waited for the foot of Kong to come down and squash it but it never came instead the beast only continued to approach the young girl who now cried in the corner.

"Mum! Mummy! Daddy! Help me! Please!" Her voice called out but she knew that they couldn't come as the blood still covered the beasts teeth and mouth.

She let out sobs as the creature walked closer and closer until it's snout was right in front of her face and it's breath tickled her cheeks.

Her sobs turned into deep breaths as she tried to lean as far away from it as she could but it only pushed its head closer until it suddenly lunged for her.


Skylar jolted awake with a scream ripping from her throat as she rebalanced herself on her branch after nearly falling off.

Deep breaths escaped her lips as she reminded herself that she was alive and sat safe in the tree. That the crawler did not get her and that Kong had in fact saved her.

She looked down at the dazed men below her- as they looked around them, confused when hearing a scream. When seeing some of them are slightly aware of their surrounds she climbs down the tree and approaches Mills.

She shakes him awake when seeing that he is somehow still asleep and made sure everyone else is awake. She turned towards Reles.

"Can you wake up Packard please, I doubt he'd be very happy if I was to do it." He nodded with a smile and headed off towards the older man.

Once everyone was awake and packed up they set off for the day and kept going without any problems, around midday Mills kept trying to reach someone through the radio that rests on his back.

"Fox five is anyone out there?" The radio crackled and a voice came back.

"This is fox five, we hear you," An exited voice replied. The look on Mills face brightened considerably when hearing the voice.  "We're on a boat... we're on a boat heading up north on the river."

"A boat? Where'd you get a boat?" Hank... Skylar immediately knew where from.

"We met this crazy time traveller guy. Looks like Santa clause. You'll meet him." Definitely Hank.

"What kind of boat you get?"

"It's more of a plane then a boat- yeah, it's called a ploat, we're on a ploat," The voice called out, there was a slight pause on the other end and muffled voices filled the air.

"Hey, send up a flare so we know where you are." A different voice called out. Packard took the radio from Mills and replied for him.

"Roger that," He got the flare gun and pointed it up to the sky. "Fire!" The bright red light shot up into the sky, alerting the others of where they all stand.

"We have a visual. Two clicks to our North." And with that the conversation ended.

"Right boys and girls, move out, we are moving towards them at the river bank." Packard shouted. Everyone picked up the items that they placed into the ground in a rush, eager to get to these other people.

"Who was that on the radio?" Skylar directed her question towards Mills.

"That was my friend Slivko, he's also in the army." He said with a happy smile on his face, whoever this guy was, it was clear that he was close to Mills.

𝓈𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑒𝒹 - 𝐊𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐤𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now