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Chapter Nine

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Gretchen's soft voice drifted to where Ethan stood holding the door to the nursery open. His eyes were immediately drawn to the red head who lay on the carpet with the baby on her chest. She sang a lullaby he didn't recognize, but for some reason, he couldn't get himself to turn around and walk away.

"I love you, Ellie," Gretchen whispered, leaning down slightly to plant a kiss on Elizabeth's head.

Mustering the strength to turn from the scene that tugged on the strings of his heart, he silently closed the door behind him and made his way through the dark hallway and to his bedchamber, unable to forget the scene he had just witnessed. He wondered if Gretchen slept in her own bedchamber. Was it possible that she sacrificed the comfort of her own bed every night in order to sleep on the floor with Elizabeth?

Weary with several questions, he found it impossible to fall asleep that evening. He lay on his back, his eyes fixed on the gray clouds as he watched the sun rise through his bedroom window.

Struggling to his feet soon after, he decided it was no use trying to fall asleep for he was too eager to find the answers to the questions that plagued his mind.

Making his way through the silent building and to Gretchen's room, he pounded lightly on the door. He imagined that she would be shocked to find him at her door so early in the morning, and while he didn't have a good explanation for his presence, he wasn't certain he was thinking correctly. He simply needed to know the truth about Gretchen's sleeping arrangements. If she indeed slept in the room assigned to her, he imagined she would eventually be forced to respond to his unceasing knocking. When she didn't respond after several minutes, he frowned, barely able to believe that a nanny would willingly give up her comfort to care for a child that wasn't even hers. He could barely believe it, not only because several nannies had turned their backs on Elizabeth after only a few days of caring for her, but also because Elizabeth's own mother had turned her back on her. It would seem that Gretchen was unlike any woman he had ever met.

Stepping back from the door, he turned to make his way down the stairs in search of Jacob. He found him seated on the front porch with his back to him.

"Good morning, Jacob."

Visibly startled, Jacob sprang to his feet and whirled around, a loud crash following his actions.

Turning his attention to the ground, Ethan sighted broken shards of a teacup on the stairs.

"My lord! Forgive me, I had no idea."

"Sit," Ethan gave the order, thankful for the fact that the hot liquid hadn't spilled on the butler. Ignoring the broken cup, he settled on the stairs beside Jacob. "I would like to find out where Miss Riverside spends her nights," he said.

"My lord?" Jacob turned to him, a slight frown on his face.

"I highly doubt that she sleeps in her own bedchamber," he clarified.

"I am not privileged with that information, my lord. But if it bothers you, I shall find out."

It did, for some strange reason; it bothered Ethan.

Nodding his head, he gave Jacob the order to find out whether or not Gretchen slept in her own room because deep down, Ethan knew that the truth was capable of changing everything.


"Miss Riverside?"

Gretchen turned slightly from playing with Ellie to the voice that beckoned her; a maid stood by the door.

"Come in." She offered a smile to the maid who made her way into the nursery.

"Lord Williams requests your presence, miss. I am to see to Miss Elizabeth's care until you return."

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