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I woke up and climbed out of bed. I walked downstairs and made myself oatmeal. I ate silently. I don't know what I'm gonna do. There's something growing inside of me. I can't kill it. I don't wanna kill it. I'm lost. I wish my mom was here. She'd know how to help me with what I'm going through.

I finished eating and put my dishes in the sink. I walked upstairs and went in the bathroom. I got in the shower and washed my body. I got out and went to my room. I put on my undergarments then put on a light blue jumper and white jeans.

My door opened and Rena walked in. I swear I hate when they do that. "Your father and I ate going Christmas shopping, we'll be back later." She said. I nodded and she walked out. I grabbed my phone and texted Quinn.

Me: Wanna go to the zoo?

Quinny: Yeah, I was just about to text you

Me: Oh lol

Quinny: I'll be over in 20

Me: Okay

I put my hair in a messy bun and slipped on my light blue converse. I grabbed money then walked downstairs. I plopped down on the couch and started reading. I have to start packing for Ireland because we're leaving Friday. I'm so excited to go to Ireland because I get to see old friends and family and I get to visit my mom's grave. After she was buried I would go to her grave and rant about everything I've been going through. It was a stress reliever and I enjoyed it. The last time I was there was day that I got on a plane and came to America.

Quinn texted me and told me that she was outside. I grabbed my things and left. I locked the door behind me and got in her car. "Hey girly." She said. "Hey." I smiled. I greeted Harper and Amber and they told me that they invited Tyler, Reagan, Chris, and Jesse. I simply nodded and checked my phone. Julian hasn't texted me nor called me. That's so weird. I could tell that Carter hasn't talked to Quinn because she isn't talking about their relationship.

I don't know what they're doing but they must be having a great time. We pulled up at the zoo and got out. We walked over to the boys and greeted them. Jesse immediately caught my attention because he was staring straight at me. "Y'all ready to go inside?" Chris asked and we nodded.  We walked inside yen went to our first area.


After seeing the pandas, monkeys, elephants, and farm animals we decided to go get lunch. We left the zoo and went to a diner. The waitress gave us a table and we sat down. Jesse sat beside me and put his arm on the back of my chair. "So when's your birthday?" Jesse asked. "July 6th, when's yours?" I replied. "Same." He said. "No way!" I squealed. "Yes way." He said and I smiled. That's so cool. He smirked at me then my phone rang. I looked at the caller id then answered it.

"Hey baby." I smiled. "Hey gorgeous, what are you doing?" Julian replied. "At lunch, what about you?" I asked. "Heading to the game, look when we come back, I wanna take you out tonight, how does that sound to you?" He asked. "Yeah, I'd love that." I said. "Okay good." He said. "I gotta go." I said. "Okay, I love you." He replied. "I love you too." I said then hung up. "Julian?" Quinn asked and I nodded.
A waitress walked over and got our orders. Reagan started flirting with her but she did not look interested. Its funny because he does not have good pick up lines. "Reagan give up bro." Jesse said and I nodded. "Listen to your friend." The waitress said then nodded. "Jesse you're always ruining my game." He said and Jesse chuckled.

"You don't have game for me to ruin." He said. "You wouldn't like it if I ruined your game." He said. "You can't." He chuckled. "Just wait til its the right  time." He said and Jesse nodded. They remind me so much of Carter and his friends its so crazy. Jesse got closer to me but I don't make a big deal out of it. He knows I have a boyfriend and I think he'll respect his boundaries.

About twenty minutes later the waitress came back with our food and drinks. We started eating and the table fell silent. I was peacefully eating my burger when I notice Jesse staring at me. "What, you like what you see?" I asked. "Yeah and you have mustard on your cheek." He chuckled then wiped the mustard off my cheek. "Thank you." I smiled. "No problem." He replied.

Quinn p.o.v

I've been noticing Jesse and its pretty clear he has a crush on Sinead. Honestly Jesse seems like a great guy and my best friend needs someone new. Julian is no good for her. He's a cheater and a liar. Julian can't stay loyal to one girl if it could save his life. But I know that he's young but he's playing with Sinead by stringing her along. I need to talk before he hurts her more than he did before.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while (I know I'm an asshole you don't have to tell me that) but.... I've been dealing with a lot since its the end of the school year and all but I'll try to update again this week. But anyways I'm am looking for a new since I literally have no one to talk to. If you decide to text me I'll be so happy (no creeps please lol)


Do you think Quinn is right about Julian stringing Sinead on?

Do you think its gonna be drama?

Do you think that Jesse has a crush on Sinead?

Please answer!!!

Suggested song: Housewife spliffin' by Angie

My Brother's Best Friendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن