Chapter III

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"Raina, how should we do this?" She puts her tea bag in her mug.

"Well, protection is key, then again this generation is kinda..." She stirs her tea with a spoon. Protection? This must be serious then.

"So birth control is the best choice." I furrow my eyebrows.

"Ra-" I cover my face.

"No!" She raises her eyebrow.

"What's the big idea, you already take it. Oh, and the rings gotta go." I look away from her, bawling my fists into my thighs.

"It's to regulate and help my menstrual cycle. And there's no need to take it off." She sips on her tea then sits back down while I fiddle with my ring.

"It's also for people who wanna feel everything and not risk multiplying." She smirks.

"You're such a bad girl, keeping the ring on." I huff as my face changes color.

"I just wanted to know how I would help him become more apart of the school." She smirks then replaces it with an innocent face.

"Oh, well, why didn't you say so?" Before she could embarrass me further, someone knocked on her door. We both turn towards it and Raina pouts. 'I was having so much fun too.' I roll my eyes. I should just hang out with kids my age.

"Come in." I fix my collar and pink sweater then makes sure I'm seated evenly on my skirt. When the person walks in Raina cracks the largest smile.

"You ready, Ava?" I look down at my fingers that play with my ring. Don't think on it.

"This is perfect. Ava's going to go about her usual after school day, also introducing it to you and hopefully get you interested." He nods. I slowly stand up, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"..hopefully.." I repeatedly rub my hands down my stomach to make sure my sweater looks presentable.

"That's all for me, good luck." I nod, take a tiny breath then turn to Avery. Not wanting to risk it I look at his nose instead of his eyes.

"You.. ready, ...Avery?" I'm so stupid.

"More than you, Ava." He stuffs his hands in his pockets. I close my eyes for a second then walk past him and out of the room.

"Hey, big fella. Be careful, she's fragile." I drop my jaw, turning back around.

"Rai- ah!" I cover my face, closing my eyes. I had to run into him. I peek through my hands when I don't touch the hard floor. He looks down at me then back at Raina.

"Thanks for the heads up." She smiles, giving him a thumbs up. I about fainted when I realize he wrapped his arms around me. He stands me up but doesn't remove his hands.

"Stand up like a big girl." I do and also look away from him to see Raina smirking at me. How embarrassing. I exit, ignoring her. The walk to the locker room is quiet but relaxing. I look at him from the corner of my eyes. I knew he was tall, but walking next... he's a giant. When I realize that staring at him is a little creepy, I look away and tuck my hair behind my ear. When I hear all the noise, I notice we're here.

"I'll be just a moment." He nods, walking under to the bleachers. I go into the locker room and change into my volleyball attire. I run my fingers under my shorts and try to pull them down.

"Hey, Ava! Ready for practice!" I look up at Devin.

"Dev?" She looks at me through her locker mirror.

"Yes." I pull my shirt down.

"Why are the uniforms so revealing?" She arches a brow.

"You never cared about it before." I sit down to put on my ankle high socks.

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