Leo Love

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Lauren's P.O.V:

I watch as my girlfriend of three years plays with my puppy, Leo.

Being a new puppy mom is the best, especially when the love of your life is playing with your furry child. Watching that is like watching a puppy and kitten become best friends, it's the most adorable thing.

Well as of today I'm kinda jealous.


I'm jealous of my own puppy getting more attention from my girlfriend...

Don't judge me.

I look over from my book to see the king and queen of my life playing around on the living room floor.

I smile until I realize that they have been playing for the last two hours and I've been alone...waiting for cuddles from my girlfriend.

Don't get me wrong, I love my baby Leo to death but I want my baby nugget back.

Wow I sound needy...

I low key am, but that's besides the point.

I stand up and walk to our bedroom, not wanting to show jealously in front of her.

I lay on our bed and sigh, taking out my phone, I start answering fans DM's.

I hear soft footsteps walk into the room and a badly lay on mine.

I smile and look down, y/e/c meeting my green.

"Why'd you leave?" She asks and I shrug, while pulling her up and snuggling my face into her shoulder.

She giggles and snuggles back, kissing my neck in the process.

"You were jealous, weren't you?" She asks and I blush deeply into her shoulder.










She starts giggling as I groan and flip us over, hovering over her, I lean down and kiss her face all over.

Giggle uncontrollably, she smiles at me and pulls me down, holding me closely.

After a few moments, she starts to giggle again.

"You were jealous of a dog" she says with a giggle and I chuckle.

"Shut up you big goof" I say and I smile into her neck.

Suddenly we hear a jingling of a collar, and smile when Leo runs into the room, I lean over to the side of the bed and pick him up, laying him next to us.

He watches Y/n and I slowly close our eyes, doing the same shortly after.

Fine. I'll admit. I was jealous of my puppy.

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