Chapter 14

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The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies. Shakespeare couldn't have been more correct in that statement. Betrayal from an enemy is expected, it makes us aware. However, betrayal from someone we love and trust - nothing hits harder. It's the knockout punch in a brutal fight. Trust leads you into a false sense of security, luring you to open yourself up to heartbreak. Life is sadistic that way.

Seth had been avoiding his brother for days. The revelation that his brother had been with the only girl he'd ever loved had messed him up emotionally. What's worse is that she loved him.

He'd always felt that May had loved him unconditionally, that the love he held for her was reciprocated. Instead, she had felt that way towards his brother. The one person he thought he could always rely on. His emotions spiral like a rollercoaster as each thought switches from sadness to anger. Sadness that the girl he'd grieved over was not the person he thought she was and anger at the outrageous affair. He must have been blind and idiotic not to notice something happening between them. How many times had May come to their home? Had dinner with them? The entire time she had feigned love for him. Everything she did was just to be closer to Jake.

If Amelia hadn't stepped in, he doesn't know what he would have done. All he knows is that he wanted to inflict as much pain physically, but it could never compare to the pain he feels emotionally. May took his heart and his brother.

How am I ever supposed to move on from this?

Jake's unabating knocking pierces through his skull as his brother calls for him to open the door insisting they need to talk. Seth clenches his fists as he attempts to repress the oncoming anger.

Jake's knuckles had become numb ages ago, but he isn't about to give up.

The sound of footsteps can be heard and he fears his ears are deceiving him. His eyes turn round as Seth opens the door with a vicious scowl. The brothers say nothing as they gaze at each other. Seth's nose had turned rosy from the tears and tissues. Another pang of guilt sucker punches Jake in the gut.

He opens his mouth to spew a horde of apologies, but a stabbing pain in his nose sends him spiraling backward and into the wall. He collides with such an impact that a picture frame falls off the wall and drops to the ground with a shatter as shards of glass fly in all directions.

He clutches his nose and winces at the pain. Once he retracts his hand he notices the trail of blood soaking his fingers. He can feel it dripping and he becomes queasy at the metallic taste on his lips.

Seth slams his bedroom door with such force that it nearly falls off the hinges. The punch doesn't even hold a fraction of the pain he feels inside.

Jake grips the staircase for support and lifts himself, holding onto the rails as he walks downstairs on wobbly legs. He exits the home with his hand still clutched to his nose and limps towards his bike. He's hoping to give Seth space until he's ready to talk, but he knows it's wishful thinking.

"What happened?" He hears a gasp.

Amelia rushes across the street towards him and he turns away from her not wanting her to see the blood, however, it's hard to miss.

"Nothing." His voice is congested from having to block his nose.

She appears in his line of sight and gasps before grabbing his unoccupied arm. She drags him across the street and into her home. He doesn't bother to look around, he's more concerned about not getting blood on the floors.

She drags him to a beautifully decorated bathroom and searches inside one of the counters. He glances at all the moisturizers and hair products littering the quaint room. She motions for him to sit on the edge of the tub and she wastes no time cleaning his bloody nose. It had already started to dry up.

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