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*not edited


"What do you mean she might not wake up? Croydon, she has to! She's still alive in there if it was as bad as you're saying it is, shouldn't you be dying too?" I can hear my brother shout. My brother, he's the reason why I'm here...

I try to open my eyes but something is forcing them closed. 

"What have you done to her Croy?" Cindy softly whispers. 

"I've put her in a healing sleep, it is basically a bubble of gas, she'll be comatose for a little while," He explains, his voice low, sad. 

"How long is a while? Croydon you're not giving us anything worthwhile here!" Spencer shouts and something bangs. 

"Only a week, Spencer. Calm down, there isn't anything else we can do, she is the one who chooses whether she lives or dies, not me," Croy sighs loudly and I feel the air around me go warm. 

That's the thing, I feel like I'm suspended in a warm liquid, but only - its air. It's pitch black, nothing but darkness. It's so surreal, I feel like it should be cold, empty, scary. But it's not. I feel at home, safe. 

Emma. You need to make your choice.

Who was that?

My name is Serina. Im.. well I'm no one important, but you need to make your choice. Stay here for a week and learn everything there is to do with white magic, or go home to your friends now and lose all your powers, what do you decide? 

I.. you can't expect me to be able to make that decision right now, can you? I don't know, I don't want to lose my powers, but I want to go home...

There's so much left ahead of you, it's not going to slow down, no matter what you do. 

Is that a Shawn Mendes lyric?

Maybe, the point is. You still have so much to look forward to in your life. I can show you everything you want, how to shapeshift, conjure things, everything your heart desires. You can be the most powerful White Magic wielder known to mankind. 

I can't just leave my friends, Spencer...

Like I said, it's up to you, but if you return you'll lose all your powers.

What about Croydon, what will happen to him? His powers?

Croydon will remain as your mount, he will still possess his powers, everything will be the exact same apart from you not having your powers anymore.

I want to go back.

Are you sure, you don't want more ti-

No. Home, please. I want to go home. 

As you wish.

Out of nowhere, I am hit with a blast of cold air. It feels like you've just walked into a deep freezer. THe darkness around me begins to turn light, slowly and then all at once I'm blinded by a white light which then turns into blue sky and clouds. And then I'm falling, a scream bursting from my lips and a puff of air being expelled from my lungs as my body made contact with the ground. 

"Ow," I groan and roll over onto my side. Pushing myself up onto my elbows I survey the area around me. Long green grass sways in the gentle breeze, the sun is golden and warm on my face. 

"Emma?" I hear from behind me and turn around, Jolie is sitting rubbing her eyes before making eye contact with me. 

"Hey Jo-Jo," I grin softly. She runs up to me tackling me in a hug. In the distance, I hear a loud rawr and I instantly acknowledge that it is Croys rawr. Suddenly the flapping of wings is heard as Croydon and the other dragons lower to the ground. 

In a flash of yellow light, Croydon bursts into his human form, him too running up to me and tackling me. Where his dragon form previously stood a cloud of dust was in his wake. Next to us, Neeme begins to make a choking sound, the young dragon lifting onto her hind legs and making strangled sounds. 

"Whats wrong with her?!" Jolie screeches, running over to her beloved mount. Croydon laughs next to me. I look at him,

"Whats wrong with her?" I whisper, grabbing his arm. 

"Watch," I don't like how he is being so secretive. Neeme seems to glance at Croydon, terror in her eyes. "Come on Nee, you can do it," He whispers, flashing over to her and placing a hand on her head, she leans into his touch. 

There is a crack of thunder and Neeme lets out the most pain filled cry that I've ever heard, Jolie sobs, holding onto Derrick with white knuckles, her head shoved in his chest. She couldn't stand seeing her best friend in so much pain. 

With one final yell of pain, Neeme collapses, dropping to the floor, her head hitting the dirt with a thud. She huffs, smoke billowing out of her nostrils. Croydon goes and hugs her and slowly her body begins to fade, instead, being replaced with the small body of a girl, she groans in pain, rolling onto her side. Croy grabs her and holds her tight and she cries and shakes in his arms. 

"You did it baby, I knew you could do it," He whispers, pushing a lock of her curly, fiery red hair to the side. She opens her eyes and looks up at him, her eyes were so green, like emeralds. 

"Croydon?" I ask. 

"Everyone this is Neeme, she's my mate," he says. With a wave of his hand, she is covered by a flowy white dress. (See picture at top of chapter) 


Sorry about the wait. Will explain one day. 

Maybe 2 chapters to go x


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