Chapter 3

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Alpha Mason led myself and Aaron to a room on the second floor. Aaron already was starting to doze off as I carried him up the steps and into the room. I laid him on the soft bed, under the silk sheet and soft comforter. He yawned and slowly fell asleep, obviously exhausted. I looked back at the door of the room.
Alpha Mason motioned for me to leave the room. I gulped and looked back at Aaron. I looked to Alpha Mason again with a doubtful expression. I had found my mate and we would be committed to each other. But that said no security for Aaron.
"No harm to your... Pup. You are safe here." He informed.
I squinted my eyes and sighed.
"I'm sorry. But I cannot leave him alone yet. It has been a year since I have." I said.
"But you will not really leave him. He is simply sleeping. Peacefully I will add. You are my mate." He said gently.
Well, as gently as an alpha can speak anyway.
"Us being mates does not guarantee his safety. He is my pup and my responsibility." I said as he sat next to me.
"I realize you need to protect your... Pup but-" I cut him off.
"Why must you say it that way. Pause every time you utter the word pup. Does it disgust you for me to be a mother? I see no shame in it." I said, refraining from snarling at my mate.
His still form told me nothing of what he was thinking. The only thing that gave anything away was the right clench of his jaw. Or how his muscles clenched as he looked at the floor. I swallowed at the sight of his large muscles. I looked back at Aaron quickly.
"Of course not. But also I know this is not your blood pup. And I have to keep in mind how you may have brought him into your... Company." He said slowly.
I could feel my skin heating past a human temperature. My hands shook and I kept my nails from growing abnormally. I looked back at the alpha and he looked at my now purple eyes with a blank stare. I locked my jaw.
"Just because I have no pack. Just because I have taken care of a young pup... You dare judge so quickly that I have stolen him or killed for my own selfish needs." I stood and so did Mason.
"London. Control yourself. I order you-"
"Oh that's another thing isn't it? I have no pack, no family, so because I am angry I have intention of tearing down these four walls. You dare question me for taking care of my pup. You dare treat me as a savage..." I growled.
I walked closer to him and through my angry haze I saw his eyes start to change color. I was disrespecting him and he was about to be pissed.
"London, I am warning you. You will not speak to an alpha this way. Nor your soon to be alpha. And certainly not your mate." His voice was changing.
I'm sure mine was changing as well. My eyes most likely looked like purple fire.
"Well if all you see me as is a rampant rogue then maybe none of those things should happen." I snarled.
He growled loudly. Aaron stayed peacefully asleep.
"Oh yes, they should. And I will see to it that they will. Your... Pup will remain here, as will you." He ordered.
"Don't you order me. I will do what is safest for my pup." I said firmly.
He sighed. He dropped his gaze from mine and looked at Aaron. I straightened and my, before fuzzy, sight cleared.
"He is not yours, is he? Not by blood." He inquired.
I did not answer but shook my head. He nodded.
"Does he know this? London, how exactly did you get this young pup? Tell the truth." He said firmly.
"I would rather not talk about it now. I would like to stay with him as well. I am sorry but I do not trust here yet." I told him.
His nostrils flared in a way that made it seem as if I had committed a crime.
"I want to know now. Who does this pup rightfully belong to?" He inquired, meeting my eyes.
I said nothing and he took three large steps toward me. He was only an inch from me. It would take the smallest movement to close the distance between his big frame and my small one. The question he asked was simple. However the answer was immensely difficult. I knew I would choke on the words. The tears would spill from my eyes and I would want to claw my anger out on something solid. Such as a tree.
"As your alpha and your mate. I command you to answer me." He ordered.
His alpha voice had no effect because I was not a member of his pack. But I was no match for my mate's order.
"He is the son of Alpha Alexander and Luna Michelle. They were murdered last year by an enemy pack. As were... As were the rest of my pack..." I choked.
He reached to hold me but I put my palms to his chest.
"I'm fine." I told him.
He swallowed and let his arms fall to his sides.
"Your old pack... What was the name?" He asked.
"Blood Rose." I told him.
I saw that he seemed to be thinking hard about something.
"Why do you ask?" I asked him.
He shrugged.
"Pure curiosity. I do wish you would join me and walk with me. But as you wish. There is a bathroom with a shower there. And I will have proper clothes brought to the both of you." He said.
With that, he traced my cheek with his thumb and then exited the room I was standing in. I sighed and looked at the bathroom and then Aaron. He should stay sleeping long enough for me to shower.

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