Case Tyrannosaurus

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"I don't want to go," Mark rumbled nervously. Jack stopped packing his bag and looked up at the giant.

"Why not?" He asked, incredulous. "This is it! Once they see the videos the Koreans left, they'll see how awful those douche bags were and finally understand you're a person too!" Mark looked away from the window, swallowing nervously.

"I-I just, I just worry I guess," he mumbled. "What if Tyler tries to hurt you again?"

"Tyler will leave us alone," Jack said firmly. "He only attacked us because we invaded his territory." He set a bottle of water down and got up, and he went over to the window and put his hand on the glass. "Look, you don't need to worry," the Irishman assured. "I know you don't want to go back to that cave, but you don't have to go back in. I'll point the way to the control panel, and we'll wait above ground. There will be soldiers around to keep us safe, and even Ken's coming." Mark stiffened and shuffled his feet.

"He's mean," he muttered in a small voice. Jack sighed with understanding.

"He didn't know any better buddy." Jack let his hand drop to his side, and he continued packing the rest of the food and water. "He thought you were gonna hurt me, but that wasn't true. He just didn't understand that we're friends." Mark's eyebrow quirked as he looked back up at Jack.

"... so they won't... you know... cage me?" He whimpered. Jack felt his heart melt in his chest as he looked back into Mark's brown puppy eyes.

"No, of course not." He smiled to reassure the gentle giant. "Now chin up, ok dude? The sooner we get those videos the sooner we can put that fucking island behind us." Mark nodded and brightened up a little, and he sat down beside the mansion as Jack hurriedly grabbed a remaining bag of chips. Signe walked in as Jack zipped up the stuffed backpack, and her brow raised.

"How much food did you pack?" She asked with amusement in her tone of voice. Jack grinned and walked over to her.

"Hey, I had to pack some for Mark to eat too!" He gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek, and they smiled at each other through blushing cheeks.

"Just hurry home ok?" Signe pleaded as she straightened Jack's jacket and patted him down. "Make sure you don't get dehydrated, stay close to Ken and keep an eye on Mark, don't let him go wandering off and getting himself hurt, and-"

"Hey, Signe?"

"Yes?" Jack pulled Signe closer and kissed the top of her head.

"I love you." Signe beamed and hugged the man she knew she loved.

"I love you too Sean. Just be careful." Once Jack said his goodbyes to Signe and the house, he came outside and went around the back to Mark.

"You ready?" He called. Mark gave a thumbs up and a sheepish grin, and Jack grinned. "Aww you've become a sassy teenager, I'm so fucking proud of you," he sassed with a laugh. Mark stuck his tongue out, only making Jack laugh again before the Irishman had to cough to make himself stop. "Give me a lift will ya?" Mark put his hand on the ground palm up, and Jack climbed on without hesitation. He tossed his bag on to the giant hand before using Mark's thumb to pull himself up, and he settled down before giving Mark the ok. Mark slowly stood up to his full height and held his hand to his chest, and he glanced at Jack to make sure the Irishman was safe and comfortable before he set off to their destination.

Felix was at the military's port, standing next to Ethan and an impatient Ken.

"Where are they?" Ken asked as he sighed and glanced at his wrist. "I thought being a giant would mean longer legs to travel!"

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