Chapter One

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I knew better than to look at his face. I knew better than to make a sound even as he was breaking my heart. I was an Omega, a servant and not allowed to look upon the face of my superiors. I was an Omega and I would always be an Omega. A mantra burned into my brain by the pack I served. I was grateful for Alpha Lawrence for taking me in when I had been orphaned. I did not resent my station in life. I had been born of two rogues and it had been well within Alpha Lawrence's right to leave me for dead when my dying father had left me on his territory but he had taken me in instead. I owed him my life and I was truly grateful for his insistence of bringing me into the pack.

"Are you listening to what I am saying, Omega?" The words were said low and I nodded once. I was glad I wasn't allowed to look at his face. I did not wish to see his irritation in his eyes. It was funny. I did not know what he looked like or what colour his eyes were or even his hair. It was funny because he was my mate and I would never have any clue as to what he looked like. We were destined but not for that, no. I was an Omega and would always be below everyone in the pack.

"Yes, sir. No one is to know and I am to never approach you." I bowed my head and a strong hand ruffled my hair gently. I hated the gesture, it spoke of familiarity and I wanted to back away. I didn't like people touching me with familiarity. Only Alpha Lawrence touched me with affection and that was when we alone, where no one could see. Everyone else ignored me or gave me the occasional slap for something I did wrong.

"Good girl." He sounded so happy and it made my heart clench in my chest but I pushed the pain away. I had a duty to do and I would not be able to do it in my avoidance to him. Alpha Lawrence would have to be informed before he noticed my lack of cleaning the Beta son's room.

"Sir, may I ask what I am to tell Alpha Lawrence?" I kept my head down and shifted my clasped hands slightly. My palms were rough with callouses and the light grey dress I wore was getting ragged but it was clean. I always made sure I looked respectable. It was something I could control and I would control it.

"We just went over this, Omega. You cannot tell anyone." There was an edge to his voice that I shrunk under.

"Sir, it is just that your room is in section two, which is in my section to clean and cater to. I do not wish to shirk in my duties in my avoidance of you. If I have something to tell Alpha Lawrence, then perhaps I can get the section switched with another Omega." I said the words slowly, not wishing to be hit for my audacity to talk back but I would not give Alpha Lawrence a reason to send me away. I wished to stay with him. He was the closest thing I had to family. Faint memories swirled in my head and I shoved them away with a sharp lurch in my chest.

An Omega does not have memories.

"Smart girl, I didn't think of that. Tell him one of the others made you feel uncomfortable and you request to be changed to a different section. We all know he has a soft spot for you." He sounded relieved, as if he thought I would wish to tell Alpha Lawrence of my rejection. I would not because he order me but my duty to the pack outweighed everything else.

"Alpha Lawrence is a great Alpha. He cares for all of his pack members equally." It was an automatic response when someone remarked on his slight affection for me. I had been told it wasn't proper for anyone to know of his affection for me. I was a child of rogues and an Omega. I was lower than low and Alphas were not supposed to care for people like me.

"Okay. Now I can't quite remember... what do I call you?" He waved his hands slightly before he cracked his knuckles. It almost looked like a nervous gesture and I bowed my head lower.

"I do not know what it was my parents named me, sir." That much was the truth. I had no memories of a name that I had been called by them. I couldn't remember them to even try to think of any such name. My memories were a painful fuzz and I shoved them away once more.

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