To Forget The Past: XIV

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"This is disgusting Isaac!" I laughed, staring at the TV screen in the basement.

Kane, Isaac, and I were currently sitting on the couches in Isaac's large house, watching his old cringe-worthy YouTube videos. The two boys sharing the couch as I sat below on the floor, underneath Isaac, who's face had gone from a brown tint to a dark red in only thirty seconds into the video.

"What?" Isaac scoffed, "No it's not, this is quality content"

I rolled my eyes, though they kept on the screen, broadcasting Isaac's red, sweating face as he ate a second ghost pepper, celebrating one million subscribers. Instantly, the Isaac on screen started coughing wildly, his face growing redder by each cough, swiftly charging for the tub of milk sat beside him on the dark, marble counter I ate on only two days ago.

A laugh crawled up my throat as I watched him start crying from the heat. Isaac--behind me--cleared his throat, "Excuse me, are you laughing at my pain?"

This only made me laugh more, Kane quietly joining into my right. "Yes, your agony is quite hilarious." I smiled slightly, not looking at him as I spoke, my eyes glued on the 'dying' Isaac in the spotlight.

"Woooow," he dragged out the word, "I see how it is..." I could almost picture him glaring at me, shaking his head lightly.

"You know what we should watch next-" I inquired, speaking over the coughs still coming from the speakers from the TV.

"SPONGEBOB" Isaac screamed excitedly, now fully sitting up, his face back to his slight tint of brown.

I swallowed the laugh that dared to come out and kept a straight face as I looked behind me up at him. "Yes, yes that's exactly what I was gonna say"


Kane started laughing, quickly me behind him as we both barked out at Isaac, who sat still. "What?" He asked unknowingly, only making Kane and I bark louder with laughter.

"No, it's just what I was trying to say before I was rudely interrupted by a child, was that we should watch Stranger Things"

Kane groaned loudly, only now dragging my attention to him. Before he spoke, his eyes glanced quietly at mine, the dark room turning them into a swirling of dark, moss. "Not this again..."

"Wait, w-"

I cut Isaac off, "What? It's a great show"

"Mhm, of course, whatever you want to believe, Sweetheart."

Instantly I cringed at the nickname, my nose wrinkled in disgust. "No." I spoke louder, "No, don't ever say that again."

"Sweetheart? Oh, why not?" Kane said up, leaning forward, down towards my figure. The light casting off the 'homepage' of YouTube shined down into his eyes, lighting them up like sunlight hitting morning grass.


"No, really, why?" His voice held poison as he spat it all over me, stinging the exact cracks I've spent so long trying to fill and hide, even from myself.

I let him take the small gap of silence for himself, adding salt to the shark wound.

"How about Evi...?" I froze as I watched the words leave his pink lips, my breath hitched.

To Forget The Past (Draft 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن