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Chapter 10 - You're Drunk

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Chapter 10 - You're Drunk


It was pretty late when I got home from the impromptu get together lasting well into the wee hours of the morning. It was one hell of a night indeed.

Bros will be Bros. I thought to myself, opening the door to the penthouse.

I stepped inside a bit sloshed, but it wasn't a surprise that I got home safe. I was a hardcore at drinking anyway. Those bozos never stood a chance.

I called for Boris, my butler. I could smell the stench of alcohol in me so I wanted a remedy. A glass of milk usually sobered me right up. "Boris? Where are you? Get me a glass of..." I stopped in my tracks when I saw the figure standing in front of my fireplace. Shit, I must be drunker than I thought!

Those dickheads had a lot of explaining to do. What the hell had they put in my drink? I wasn't that wasted. I wasn't drunk enough for hallucinations. Was I? I ignored the figure and continued to the kitchen.

Was this some kind of mind crap? The figure looked like Chloe and it was just staring at me. Now, of all the people, why her? Maybe we'd been talking about her earlier.

"That's it? You're just gonna ignore me all night?" She asked, annoyed.

"Mr. Anderson, you're back. I'm sorry for letting Ms. Loise in. She was very persistent. She also mentioned the matter being urgent." Boris came out of nowhere like a ghost.

"Boris! Stop sneaking up on me!"

"I'm very sorry, sir. Your milk?" Boris handed me a glass of milk. I glanced at Chloe for a moment, then shifted my gaze back to Boris.

"Never mind, Boris. It seems I have some business to take care of." Boris retreated, and I grinned inwardly. I had known my plan would work, but I didn't think it would be this quick. It has been what, a day or two? And now, Chloe was standing in front of me already.

This was highly unexpected. I ran my fingers through my hair and smiled. "So, what brings Charlotte back to the web this wonderful evening?" I already knew why, of course, but I've decided it was best to play it cool. I walked to the minibar and poured myself a drink.

"You know why I'm here, Zach. No need to play dumb." She walked up to the bar and filled herself three full fingers of whiskey, drinking it all in one gulp, and put the glass back to the table with a loud thump.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Get straight to the point. I haven't got all night." I sipped from my glass.

"Stop playing dumb. I'm only here because—"

"Because you missed me?" I supplied, sipping from my glass.

She tipped herself another glass of whiskey. "Still the same old move, huh, Zach?" She looked at me with a mischievous grin. "When will you change? Have a girlfriend but still flirting with someone else?" She drank the half full glass again.

"You... think... I'm flirting with... you?" I choked out then barked out a laugh. I was expecting her facial expression to change, but she didn't. She still had that smirk on her face. This got me serious, like she had some dirt on me.

"Please, Zach. Everyone knows how you are with girls. So whatever evil plan you think you're doing with Tori, stop it now."

"What do you mean?" I said, getting all serious as her.

"Must we play the guessing game, Zach?" Chloe backfired.

I refilled my glass with whiskey and make my way toward the fireplace. "You do know it was your friend's idea, right?"

Must Date The PLAYBOY! (PUBLISHED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora