Welcome Enemy #2

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Chapter 13

Welcome Enemy #2

{Zack's POV}

About an ten minutes after me and Ricky finished up I heard the door open and a bunch of giggling. I wondered what the hell Dylan took. Maybe he when to the doctor for some laughing gas shit. But then I heard the other voice. He was with someone else.

Ok, that's cool. I mean, it's only fair. I had Ricky so he gets a guy. But why do I want to punch this guy in the face? Tell him to back off and leave Dylan alone? Maybe it's because I know Dylan's inexperienced. He could get drugged. Or maybe even killed. My eyes widened at the thought. I shrugged, oh well, I’ll just drag his body out to the woods.

“Oh hey, Zack.” Dylan said as he came to stand a few feet in front of me. The other guy that walked in and next to him was fucking gorgeous. Yes, I would very much want to jump on him but I wasn't going to seeing as that would be considered rude.

“Who's the hottie?” I asked looking him over. Black hair that almost covered his right eye completely, pale fair skin, dark sexy eyes, and full pink lips. Nice. The boy rolled his eyes at me.

“My name is Liam.” He snapped at me. Rude much?

“Well hi Liam. So what are you doing here?” I still continued to ignore Dylan. And flirt with Liam. Seeing as he was the player type and would probably drop Dylan in five seconds flat for a fuck.

“He's with me, I was hoping you wold be gone.” Dylan said with venom dripping off over every word. Not hiding any of his emotions. I smirked.

“Oh really? Well, I won't bother you guys. I mean after all you know if you guys start anything I would probably get involved.” Dylan grew a little pale at the thought while Liam just glared at me. He growled at me.

“Now I can see why Dylan wouldn't want someone like you. You're a pathetic little shit.” He said grabbing onto Dylan and pulling him closer to him. Dylan automatic leaned into him. So, ignoring the pain in my chest from the sight of them, I stood up.

“What the fuck did you just say to me?” I asked getting mad at this guy. I mean really, he can't just walk in to my house and steal my boy... um, I mean Dylan. Wow, I am pathetic.

“You heard me. I said you're a pathetic little shit.”

“Boy I have enough money to own you and Dylan. So you should get out of my house right now.” I said getting in his face.

“Fine. I’ll just take Dylan with me.”

“Hell no. Dylan stays here.” I said not thinking before saying. I mean that wouldn't have bothered me if I wasn't confused as to the feelings that I saw having towards Dylan. If I didn't even care at all I would have let him go in a heartbeat. But in the corner of my eye I saw Dylan look at me. All most as if he couldn't believe that I would want him to stay. Hey, I might not like him all that much but it doesn’t mean I don't pity the poor.

“Why? You don't what him. So why string him around like he has a chance? You and I both know that once you fuck him, he'll be on the streets. So stop it. I’m trying to do you a favor. Let someone else take care of him, so when you break his heart he'll have somewhere to go instead of just begging to be with you. Because you wouldn't take he in again even if he offered you the fucking sun!” He said before walking out the door. With Dylan.

I stared at the door where they had just left.

Dylan got a guy. A guy that cared for him. Yet Liam knew nothing about his life. But then again, what do I know about his life that makes me more special to him? I couldn't know anything. I mean, not a lot anyway. He's happy. That's all that should matter. But I couldn't think straight because that Liam guy just laid out my whole entire system of working. He cracked the code, got the secrets, and ran away with it.

And he hadn't even meet me for more than ten minutes. I just couldn't believe that Dylan would do that. That he would go out and be like me. If he comes back tomorrow and has some one different, then it's war.

Wait... what I’m I saying? It's already war. This Liam guy will obviously not stop until he gets me to back-off of him and Dylan. He's going to stick around. He's going to keep touching Dylan. He going to keep doing everything I don't want him to do. Which includes sex.

But I'm not going to let it get to me. I’ll just keep doing what I do best. Shopping and getting fucked. If Dylan want's to play, then I’ll play. So I take the challenge. I’ll flaunt it around and hit Dylan in the face with it. See how he likes it. See how he will take the challenge that he's clearly not ready for.

This war is one that no one will survive. May the games begin.

A/N  It's on like Donkey Kong!! Oh snap! Haha, I love writing this story. <3 Next chapter will be in Liam's POV! OMG! <3 Liam is so sexy though. But of course Zack is just being a stupid jerk as always. *sigh* I all most feel sorry for Liam that he has to compete with Zack... I said almost. ^.^ (Zack is sexy too.)

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