Tyler Joseph

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Warning: if you're highly offended by the use of gay slur and negativity to groups of people, than I highly recommend you move on to I'm a safer fan fiction.
      -Thank you

Talking will be in this format
Important things in this format

School gym

"I'm already on the basketball team, I wouldn't have time." Tyler Joseph told a couple band recruiters. He was a fragile boy, around the age of 15. He didn't show much of his issue since he didn't know how. Playing basketball kept his mind busy, yet he's not always playing the sport.

The band recruiters flooded the gym, where the basketball ball team shuffled around. Practicing and goofing with one another. Tyler squatted down beside his couch who was grumbling about the amount of band geeks invading the gym.

"It's very annoying to have to watch your team be distracted by a bunch of queers." The couch mumbled, tightening his fist.

"I think it's for their grade, I heard someth-" Tyler muttered, quickly being cut off.

"They just need to piss off already." His couch grumbled bitterly.

Practice being after school allow Tyler to be able to leave whenever he wants. Yet him being a phenomenal player he rather stay till the very end. He began to dribble the ball around, passing it to his fellow players ignoring the band recruiters scattered around him. Well he was ignoring them until he accidentally hit one, The basketball shuffled its way across the gym floor. Hitting a band recruiter in the leg. The gym let out a few giggles and laughs.

The boy turned around noticing the look on Tyler's face as he stood there frozen. The ball pretty much slammed gently across his leg. A female band member noticed the entire situation, she then proceeded in using her band charm. She watched as Tyler began apologizing to the boy, she sprinted up behind them and then said,

"Well number 21 it seems like we have an issue." She sneered pointing down at Tyler's basketball jersey, with 21 plaster on it.
"I guess the only way my pal Josh here can forgive you, is if you join band. The.  marching band." She insisted with smirk on her face.

Tyler let out a small chuckle, he eyed his coach looking for some reason to get out of the situation. He really didn't know way to back out of this, so we just said no.

"Um no, it was an accident." Tyler replied, nervously clasping his hands together.

         "They honestly just happen." Tyler added forcing a fake smile.

          Josh's face stayed neutral, he really wasn't damaged at all. He obviously didn't like the idea of his bandmate forcing this dude into this. I don't think he really liked the idea of recruiting. At this point he tried to walk away but of course is bandmate pulled him back.

"Look at this kids face, he's devastated. Completely embarrassed, you have humiliated him. And you won't even join band!?" She shouted.It's for his grade!" She added dramatically.

Tyler looked the punk boy up and down, bitting the side of his cheeks. Feeling a tab bit pressured and not wanting to fall into this guilt trip. He shook his head and walked away heading off and out of the gym. Today wasn't the day Tyler Joseph joined band.
Not today.

           Once outside Tyler could finally breath, he was feeling very uncomfortable and a tad bit nervous. Playing basketball was his safe space, and being pure pressured into a decision that he didn't want to do in his safe space devastated him. He was always told band was for queers, and boys that do music are a bunch of fairies. Yet that wasn't true.

        After waiting for his ride, the gym began to let out, he quickly moved away from the doors scared to run into that same band duo.

       He didn't want to see his teammates, he was afraid that they would ask what happened and the ones who knew would laugh. And in an panicked attempt to avoid this situation he had to run behind the gym. The same place where kids could smoke cigarettes and did very vulgar things, was the same place Tyler Joseph hid that day.

       He began to relax when his phone chirped, his mom was on her way. He let out a sigh of relief, which was followed by a flamboyant scream.

        "You like hanging out behind the gym too." A voice said, with sarcasm of course.
Startling Tyler in the process.

    The voice belongs to Josh Dun, he strolled towards Tyler holding a empty water bottle in his left hand. Josh's black hair did compliment his white and red/yellow band T-shirt, while Tyler's matching basketball jersey complimented his brown hair.

        "You scared the literal shit out of me." Tyler whispered gasping for air. Tyler looked up at the boy, getting a better look from where he was sitting.

        Tyler bit his lip, trying not to express how interested he was in the kids hair. He had to stop himself from staring, its rude. Josh snickered childishly as he tossed his water bottle in the dumpster Tyler sat by. The smell that seeped from the dumpster violated Tyler's nostrils. He quick covered his nose, looking up at the boy who wasn't fazed by the putrid smell at all.

"And no I don't do this regularly." Tyler muttered, he was a bit confused when Josh just stared at him as if he needed to answer the question with 16 words or more. Plus he needed to show his work on the back.

"Um.. so what instrument do you play?" Tyler asked becoming a lot more anxious when the boy squatted down besides him.

Josh paused taking the time to rearrange himself in a more comfortable position.

"The trumpet." Josh said nonchalantly, he watched as Tyler repeatedly checked his phone. And how he fidgeted around occasionally every few seconds.

"Sorry about my friend, er- well she really isn't my friend. But she can be very. Um." Josh rambled on to Tyler. Not finding a word to describe his bandmate to a T.

"Intense." Tyler mumbled, zoning out as he chewed on his nails.

"What?" Josh asked.
Tyler looked up at him with a serious look on his face.

"She's really intense." Tyler repeated.
Josh let out another small chuckle. Resulting in a small smile from Tyler.

"You're intense." Josh joked.

 Intense<.  Joshler> Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora