♪ Chapter 20 ♪

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A/N: So this is the next chapter!! I hope you guys enjoyed the previous one as much as I enjoyed writing the fight scene haha. Anyway, let's continue! 🤣


Beeping. I was sleepy, so sleepy and the beeping was waking me up from my sleep. I heard a few mumbles or whispers before it was quiet. Moments later, a warm hand made it's way to mine, squeezing tightly. Sparks errupted from my palm and with that, I knew it was Hunter. "I'm sorry, baby. I made you get hurt.." he said softly, painfully.

'No!' I wanted to scream at him. We were mates, we were a team and that means we do everything TOGETHER. I wanted to say but I was sleepy. Just so sleepy. For the second time, I blacked out.

Beeping again. The warm hand was still in mine. This time, I tried moving my fingers and it moved. Next, I tried opening my eyes. Low and behold, I opened them. The room was dark. There was a figure sitting by the bed, hugging my hand. I smiled at Hunter's adorableness. I turned on my side to face him, wincing.

My other hand instinctively went to his soft hair and started to pet it. I closed my eyes and relaxed. I was doing it for a while before my wrist was in a grip. Opening my eyes, my eyes met Hunter's. I gasped. Hunter immediately kissed me. I relaxed into the kiss and moaned into his mouth. Our tomgues danced a happy dance. When I needed air, I pulled away. Hunter kissed the side of my mouth again before looking at me in awe.

I opened my mouth to speak but I realized that it was dry. I gestured for water and Hunter quickly took a class that was on the table and passed it to me. "Here, drink." He said. I started gulping down the liquid immediately. I was just that's thirsty.

When the cup was empty, he moved it to the table back and stared at me quietly. "How long was I out?" I coughed.

"A day." He replied.

"What happened after I knocked out?" I questioned, fully aware of his distanced replies. I frowned.

"Tanner and I finished the rest. Rian sent you to the infirmary then helped us finish off the last one." He sighed. "Never. To see you in this bed again
...," He shook his head. I grabbed his hand and squeezed tight.

"Next time, I don't want to see you like this too. This runs both ways, Hunter." I added. He nodded and smiled at me.

"I'll try, sweetheart." He mumbled before bringing his face closer. My eyes focused onto his lips and my mouth opened. My tongue darted out and moistened my lips. Hunter stared at me for a second before bringing our lips together. We molded together perfectly. Our lips moved in unison and we showed our love for each other through the kiss. That is, until we heard a cough. Quickly, I pulled my lips away and turned the other side, acutely aware of the pink stain on my cheeks and neck.

"You're awake." Rian breates out, coming closer. I smiled at him.

"Yeah. Did you catch me in time?" I asked.

He nodded. "Just on time. I almost didn't though." He sighed. "I'm surprised you didn't fall earlier. You were pretty beat up."

"A-ah. Um, my wolf came out at the last minute so she used her strength. Plus I think I was on a very high adrenaline rush." I chuckled. Rian shook his head with a grin. "So what injuries did I receive?"

"A lot of scratches but most of them are gone now. A swollen jaw which is also gone thanks to our quick healing, you broke your left wrist. The doctor said that's going to take some time as it was pretty beat up. Oh and let's not forget you broke two ribs-" Rian stated.

"What? Two?! Oh.., I thought I broke one.." I chuckled, wincing. "Ah I see their not back to normal." I winced.

"Silly girl. If your wrist isn't what makes you think your ribs would be?" Hunter shook his head with a small smile. I giggled and attempted to shrug. Mind you, it turned out very demented.

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