✎seventeenth period.

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Hi, my safe Haven. I know you're confused and mad right now and I'm sorry I had to leave you the way I did. You know me, it's hard for me to talk about serious things face to face. So this letter, Haven, will give you the explanation that you deserve, even though I didn't deserve you.

But first, I'm so sorry, my love. Don't blame yourself for this because trust me, you're all I have and I wouldn't dare leave you without a reason.

God, this hurts. I love you so much, my safe Haven, with everything that I am. I want you to know that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have made it all the way here and I would've never experienced happiness.

Thank you, Haven, for being there for me and for being you. You are such a beautiful person, so don't you ever forget that.

Now, I'm not going to be around anymore, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be happy. I have so many regrets in life, Haven, but being with you was never one of them.

But not marrying you when I had the chance is my biggest regret and always will be. So please, Haven, don't waste your life away like I did, you're too good of a person for that.

I'm going to tell you why I left now, Haven, but I want you to be strong about it.

I'm sick.

She never knew how two little words could break her heart in every single way. It was as if feeling the world crumble at her hands and she was absolutely helpless.

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