Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: Oh my gosh you guys 1k reads!!!! Ahhh thank you so much!!! Also, sorry this one took so long!


"I wish they'd just hurry up and get here already," I mumbled to Grant. It was midnight and we were on high alert at the Port of Málaga, waiting for someone to show up. Grant, Coulson, Garrett, and I were all in full tactical gear and comms, waiting for someone to show up for the orb. We'd found it earlier in the day hidden under one of the boards of the dock, but we hadn't touched it because this mission was about the people after the orb, not the orb itself.

"Be patient," said Grant, looking around the dock again, "They'll show up."

"We've been waiting for hours."

"Some stakeouts can last days. If you want to be a spy, you have to have patience."

I rolled my eyes. He was right, but hat didn't mean I had to be happy about it.

Just as I was getting ready to say something else to Ward, just to break the silence, I heard the comm crackle in my ear.

"Hey, come in." Garrett's voice.

"We're here," replied Ward.

"We've got some movement at the entrance to the docks. Looks like your friends from the beach. Don't intervene, just listen. See if they'll let anything slip now that they're alone."

"Got it. Over and out."

The comms went silent again as Grant and I listened for the signs of someone approaching. It wasn't long before we heard quiet voices and approaching footsteps.

"Lo está aquí," one of the voices said. (It's here.)

"Bien. Lo vamos a mover a Maw' Tej immediatamente," said the second voice. (Good. Let's move it to Maw' Tej immediately.)

I waited, hoping they'd say something else, but they didn't. They just moved to where the orb was hidden and started pulling up the board it was hidden under.

Earlier in the day, we'd put a tracker on the orb. This was a risk because electronics generally didn't work around the orb, but we were taking the chance that it would fall of once the orb arrived at its location and activate a signal. It was a long shot, but if it paid off it would be more ham worth it.

Grant and I sat in silence as the men took the orb and left. Once we were sure they were gone, we headed off the pier to meet Coulson and Garrett.

"Hey there," said Garrett, grinning as he came up to us, "Long time no see."

"Thy didn't see you did they?" asked Phil.

"They didn't give any sign that they saw us, sir," said Grant.

"And judging by the size of the firearms they were carrying, I think they would've let us know if they'd seen us," I added.

"Good. Now we wait," said Coulson. We made our way back to the hotel and packed up. This time we headed out of town separately, meeting up back at the Quinjet to see if our tracker would activate.

After what felt like hours of waiting, our computer dinged, letting us know the tracker was on.

"Alright. Let's see where these boys went," said Garrett, pulling up a map with the tracker's location.

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