Someday: Chapter 11

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What is Life if You can’t Keep Promises

THEY WERE WALKING TOGETHER, talking of small things and great stories. The man spoke in a narrative voice, while the lady gasped, laughed, and covered her face. The man was a great story teller, and the lady was the perfect audience. To a casual observer, they looked like a perfect couple. But if one looked closely, one would notice that the lady was grieving and hurting deep inside, while the man had sinister and nefarious plans for the lady.

“You know, Torph really isn’t that great,” Garne said, immediately changing the topic.

“Mm...” Isaline replied.

Garne stopped walking and turned to Isaline, “What if you just forget that guy?”

“Erm...” Isaline hesitated.

“Why don’t you just love me?” Garne said as he brought his face close to Isaline’s.

“I... I don’t know...” Isaline said, turning away.

“Come with me to my apartment and I’ll make you feel real good,” Garne smiled wickedly as he traced Isaline’s jaw line with a finger.

“Feel good...?” Isaline asked.

“Yes, I’ll make you feel like a real woman,” Garne replied, bringing his face closer to Isaline and sniffing her scent. “It was quite a waste that Torph threw you away.”

“Yes, it is... quite a waste,” Isaline agreed faintly.

“Well then, let’s go to my apartment now,” Garne said.

And the two people walked towards the man’s desires and the lady’s destruction.

To the same careful observer, one would notice that the lady was still holding on to a shred of hope. A hope that might impede her impending destruction. It was all she had left. A small shred of hope.

“ISALIIINE!” I shouted. I didn’t care if the people looked at me as though I were crazy. I needed to find Isaline now.

I almost have no doubt that Garne is indeed a skin dancer. If he is, then Isaline is definitely in danger. In more ways than one.

And so, I continued shouting, “IIISAAA!”

Someone walked up to me just as I was about to shout again. Or sometwo.

“What’s all this commotion about, Torph?” Aika asked.

“What’s with all the shouting?” Hana raised.

“Oh, you guys!” I said, almost relieved. “Isaline’s in grave danger!”

“How so?” Aika asked. “Not that I care... much.”

“She’s with-,” I bit off my tongue before I can say ‘quail egg.’ That would cause so much misunderstanding.

“With?” Hana continued expectantly.

“With a... dangerous person,” I said after hesitating for a moment.

“Sure?” Aika asked.

“Very sure,” I replied. “I’d bet my life.”

“Not that I’m supporting your relationship with her or anything, Torph,” Hana spoke up, “but I’ll help. Isaline’s a good person.”

“Count me in as well,” Aika said.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I said, “Thanks, you guys. You’re both great friends I don’t deserve to have, but have anyway.”

“Hm? What’s this?” a new voice piped up behind us. “A double confession?”

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