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Chapter 5

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Indigo stood in the foyer of Tate's house with golf ball-sized butterflies swarming in her stomach. The block heel of her boot bounced on the wood floor, but it wasn't from the Motown Hits filling the comfortably conditioned air. She twisted the platinum engagement ring around her finger, chewing on her cheek like it was a stick of Big Red gum. She was reconsidering her decision; being there was a mistake. Just as she turned to advance to the front door, her sister descended from the stairs.

"You came!" Saxon reached the bottom step. Her excitement faltered upon realizing that she caught her sister trying to hightail it out of there. "Indigo."

The sweet assuring way her big sister spoke her name eased some tension and angst stirring within her.

"It'll be okay." Saxon read the frustration on her face. "It's like riding a bike. Y'all fought and y'all always make up."

Indigo gave her a wry smile. She was happy to have her big sister back and not all hopped up on hormones; being pushy and meddling like she was last year. True, she was still a little pushy, but it was to the max now that Frost was out of the woman and progressing nicely presently at home with his brother, sister, and sitter that allowed Saxon and Xavier a night without the kids.

"It wasn't a simple disagreement," Indigo said after letting out a breath. She remembered the day of the argument and the intimate events from the night before. It birthed a shiver through her body. "We haven't talked since. I guess he thought silence was best."

She wanted to talk about things; the things they disagreed about and the notion he had in his mind. After turning thirty, she didn't want to play games, dwell in the past, or have regret. She knew what she wanted, and she told him what it was, but he didn't feel the same way.

"So, after the..." Saxon saw if anyone was lurking around. She worked hard to get back in Indigo's circle of trust and wasn't about to get kicked out on a technicality. "... pregnancy, how long did ya'll sever communications?"

"Sever communications." Indigo snickered, thankful to have something humorous to take her mind off her nerves. "You sound more and more like Xavier every day."

"I take no offense from that. My man's smart." Saxon shrugged nonchalantly and hooked her arm with her sister's. "You just answer the question. How long did Tate freeze you out back then?"

"Three months." She resumed toying with her engagement ring, remembering the letter that greeted her all those years ago in college. "But I'm not the issue here. He didn't respond to my texts. He should be in my foyer, not the other way around."

"But would you have opened the door?" Saxon asked with a look that said she already knew the answer.

Indigo's mouth twisted as she pondered. "Undecided."

"Damn." She hissed. "Y'all two are aggravating as hell. It was a year ago. I'm going to play the eldest card and tell y'all to get over it." Indigo opened her mouth to speak, but Saxon shook her head and continued. "We're all getting older. You're getting married, having one of the biggest days of your life, and he's two seconds away from being a LA resident. We all need real friends, so don't throw away a great one because of a tiff. Y'all have been through worse, so just work it out and move on."

Indigo was going to tell her that the tiff she and Tate had was about something more than friendship because what they did that night before was something that friends rarely did. However, she didn't feel like sharing those details with her right now, or maybe ever.

So, instead, she playfully rolled her eyes and said. "Your Pollyanna ass annoys me when you're right."

"Now, I take offense to that." Saxon humorously slapped Indigo's arm. "We stan Polly in this family."

The Entangled Engagement of IndigoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora